So glad to be here

jrejre Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 99
Hello, I figured it was about time I formally introduced myself. I'm a forty something singer songwriter with a couple of decades of vocal abuse and more recently searching for a home study program that will not only save and heal my voice but retrain myself as a vocal instrument to be the absolute best I can be. I tried SLS and backslid to a point of wanting to give up. Even my daughter noticed not only my singing but my speaking voice was frying out and breaking. Then I dug out the old KTVA disc my X-wife had bought me 3 years ago. For some reason I had put off dedicating myself to it. Well just one workout and my voice and spirit felt a healing touch. (Not to be cheesy but that's how it felt in retrospect) I decided then and there to commit myself 110% to KTVA, let Ken be my guide and reinvent myself as a vocalist. I am about 7 weeks into volume one and just getting started. Its a great and challegening process..unlearning the old and retraining new and healthy habits. Not only is my voice healing and growing gradually but also my physical and emotional state as I go through this process. I have already had positive feedback at shows and from my bandmates and can feel the difference. Sorry for the long intro but I'm just really greatful to Ken and KTVA, and to this awesome community.



  • kaulferskaulfers Pro Posts: 300
    Hello @jre Josh,

     It's encouraging to see the variety of people who are here and or was here that are continuing/starting to learn these skills.

    If you have any of your works to share please do.

  • jrejre Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 99
    Thank Richard. As soon as I am able I plan to post some exercises for critique and also share an original song or two. Have a good one!

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited August 2014


    Thanks for filling us in on where you're at.  We have a lot of folks show up at the door with a similar story... like: "I was discouraged after believing in SLS", and "Hey, my girlfriend bought this for me two years ago and I just suddenly had the urge to listen to it, and HEY!!! This is REAL!!!!!"  It WORKS!

    You can take this about as far as you are willing to put in the time, effort, and focus. I've tried just about all of the other products out there, and unfortunately, most are fakes, or at best, poor imitations.  It's hard to get past all of the lying, fake vocal training popups, even if you're trying to navigate straight to KTVA on the internet. 

    Ken's program will teach you to be able to sing in the ways he demonstrates.  NO OTHER VOCAL INSTRUCTOR EVEN COMES CLOSE to Ken's quality of instruction. 

    Your results will be in direct proportion to your investment of time and attention to the exercises.

    We're glad you showed up to the party!  Start making up for lost time!  It's all gain from here!

    We're all at different levels of expertise and at different points along our vocal journeys.  You are welcome here.



  • jrejre Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 99
    Thanks @highmtn‌ Bob. I feel very welcome here thanks to you and everyone else on the forum. I'm hoping next week to share some audio as I will be at 8 weeks.
  • nouveaurichenouveauriche Pro Posts: 8
    And Brett stated that HIS style healed broken voices...yet it broke yours! 

  • sspatricksspatrick Enrolled Posts: 1,278
    Great to have you here and to hear your story. Enjoy the journey we are here for you!
  • jrejre Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 99
  • JohnnyzDJohnnyzD Volume 1 Posts: 19
    I'm glad to hear that, I never dedicated myself to the program either, but now I'm focussed 110%. Good luck!
  • jrejre Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 99
    @Michael97‌ thanks. After I committed to a daily regime(I do vol 1 about four times a day between chest stretching and bridging focus) I began to have positive results. I stopped all the doubt, the self doubt, the doubt in the program and just listened to Ken. That's when it started clicking. Glad to hear you have jumped fully on board as well!
  • jrejre Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 99
    As a side note. When I first dabbled in HTS I only had volumes 2&3. I used to try them and struggle. Now that I purchased Vol 1 and have been doing it about 8 weeks I tried volume 2. Well its like night and day! I can tell my connection, support and range is already much more developed than before. That being said I'm going to stick with vol 1 until I feel I have it down and have gotten a proper critique from Bob and hopefully some other folks here as well.
  • JohnnyzDJohnnyzD Volume 1 Posts: 19
    edited September 2014
    @jre I'm starting with volume 1 either, but I do find myself being lazy or making excuses, but I know I need to cut the bull and commit fully. How do you mean 4 times a day? Can you explain more about that? I would love to spend as much time as possible on my voice (make it an addiction haha). 
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited August 2014

    You will find that your serious application of regular time, effort, and focus makes a significant difference.

    A half-hearted, "Sigh...oh, well" attempt will eventually give some results, but nothing like a full-on dedication and full attention will do.

    The other programs that don't really work are better for people who don't really want to put in the effort.  That way, if they don't try very hard, they haven't lost much effort when nothing much happens.

    KTVA will WORK for you when you apply the lessons and work the workouts the way Ken shows you, every day, faithfully. 

    If this is something you really want, you just have to dedicate yourself and your time, and you will see results!

    Inspire yourself and keep that energy going!  The DVD's and CD's won't work unless you add your own synergy to the equation!  This is a method that really works, and you really want this or you wouldn't be here in the first place.  Seize the opportunity and move forward toward your dreams of a better voice!

    Good Singing to ALL of You!



  • jrejre Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 99
    edited August 2014
    I second that emotion Bob! Well said.
    Based on the recommendations of the forum I am doing the excersises with two different emphasis. One stretching chest and two connecting chest and head lightly. So for my schedule what works is I do each scale twice stretching chest then twice lightly connecting. Sometimes I do the scales over and over till they feel right. I also do lip rolls and tongue exercise for about 20-30 minutes first. Then when I'm all done if I have time I do the whole thing again. This is a good day. I'd say i get about 4 good days a week and 2 where I am busy with work and get a shorter workout. I feel that the more time put in the more muscle memory will take hold. Also I keep a journal daily highlighting the good, the bad and the ugly. Mental strength is our friend and distraction is our enemy. I shut my phone off and stretch and relax as needed to relieve stress. Also I record myself once a week as a checkpoint. That in a nutshell is what I've been doing. Sorry for a long answer to a short question. Oh yea and it will become an addiction and a very positive and healthy one at that! ;) Good singing to everyone!!
  • JohnnyzDJohnnyzD Volume 1 Posts: 19
    @jre Thanks for responding, going to do exactly the same. I always thought  doing the lip roll and the tongue excercise once should be enough, but now I see you do it for 20-30 minutes. I'm very motivated and I was already thinking about posting a demo on facebook once a week to keep track of my vocal journey. 
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited August 2014


    @jre has the right idea, repeating key exercises, doing them in chest-stretching and also in connecting modes, recording himself regularly and listening back to give himself corrective feedback, being faithful with his workouts, warming up for as long as it takes until everything is feeling and working just right, keeping notes on his progress, and remaining focused.

    This is an example of a successful plan, which, when executed, will yield positive results.

    Take a cue from an inspired individual and become your own cheerleader.  We will join in and applaud you as well, as you pick yourself up by your own bootstraps and take first one step and then another toward your singing dreams! 

    ...and @Michael97 has the right idea by following jre's lead.  Everybody, Up and at 'em!  Let's do this!



  • jrejre Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 99
    Thanks guys! And the reason I do so many lip rolls is because I have to do my workout fairly early in the day. And also even the exercises feel better the more often I do them. When I get into a good groove on a scale where everything feels right I make sure to do it again to cement that feeling into memory. Happy Sunday to you all!
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