Greetings from UK

I've been doing the KTVA course for the last 4 months now. Can't believe its been that long. I did each volume for about 5-6 weeks and am now sticking on Volume 3. I practiced 5-6 times a week and am still doing that now. I'm looking to really grow my voice in terms of tone and power and would like to get the point where I can add distortion comfortably. I don't think I'm quite there yet. I've just been away for about 6 days and noticed a small setback in regards to the passagio. Its starting to improve again.
My voice definitely has grown over the last few months however still finding it difficult maintain control whilst in my head voice. Current range is from D (nearly 2 octaves down from middle C) to F (just over octave from middle C) above with the top note and the next one up/down being a little temperamental. I enter my head voice generally when I hit B.
Big aim for me is to grow my mid voice and reach higher with the chest comfortably and with power. Is there anything else I can add to my workout for the mid voice? I generally do the audio workout followed by singing some difficult songs. Its all about growing the strength and tone and working on pitch placement. Long way to go
I'm a singer/songwriter and my voice has suited the songwriting style I've done so far but aiming to expand my options.
How is your progress coming along? Are you sticking with your Volume 3 workouts?
Sorry your post was not answered. I just saw it. I hope your midvoice has started to strengthen.
Good Singing to You!