Howdy ! Forum newbie from Germany here.

Hello, divas and divos, dudes and dudettes,  :-)

I just signed up for the forum to join in on the discussions. I came across Ken's very impressive videos on youtube, found out about his website and this forum through that and thought I'd sign up because it looks like there are plenty of people here who are as passionate about singing and the voice as I am.

A little bit about myself: I'm a guy in my thirties, from Germany. I studied vocal music (classical) for a time in my twenties (but didn't entirely finish these studies; for a number of personal reasons), and also studied popular music prior to that, but the latter with a focus on keyboards and the guitar as well as songwriting.

In the last couple of years since turning 30 I got into other pursuits and put music to one side (although I've been trying to maintain my voice in fits and starts), but now I want to seriously get back into singing and performing. So any inspiration for 're-starters' is especially welcome over here ! :)

By the way, I am a tenor. But the sort of tenor that started out as a baritone (as legions of tenors have) because I have a naturally rich voice and didn't know how to access my upper range, and it's been a real struggle to eventually free my true voice. But I've learnt a thing or two about it along the way, so if I can contribute a bit here and there with some hopefully helpful suggestions pertaining to the higher male voice, I'd be glad to do so.

I am not a member of KTVA. Just curious about it. My own technical background is all classical. Currently I'm working by myself on transfering my classical technique into a style of singing that is suitable for popular styles. I'm especially into soul music, but also rock, folk and jazz. And generally all the wonderful pop greats from past and present.
And of course, great classical singing, which is a passion that will never leave you once you've got hooked.

Ok, that's it from me for now.

Happy Singing everyone ! ;-)



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388


    I missed your post when you placed it here.  I was travelling at that time. 

    I just wanted to welcome you here, and I hope you enjoy all of the discussions about singing going on here.

    Sounds like you've done your share of singing in your life! 

    All the best to you!  Rock on, Dan!



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