Recorded a couple after today's practice and about 2 hours of various songs...

After I practiced late today, and sang a bunch of songs, I recorded a couple.
Hey Jude, because it's got a few high notes, and I was pretty happy to hit one in particular about as good as I can ever remember hitting it. There are a few spots where I ran out of breath and went off key, but overall, I'm happy with the progress.
And this is a Barenaked Ladies tune, "It's All Been Done", that I re-recorded after doing it almost a year ago. Today's key is a half-step higher (in their original key, I think), and I also think my tone is already sounding better, thanks to the lessons!
I'm beginning to be able to tell when I'm singing with an open throat more and more, as I work through the lessons over and over!
And after all that singing, I already feel like I can sing for hours longer... cool...
Pretty psyched here in chilly VT!
Suggest away, please, of things I can do to make them better!
It's good that you are off and running! I'll tell you what I have told just about every other singer here after hearing their demos. Learn everything you can about support and start using it more and more.
There are a number of videos here on the forums that can help you with this topic. Look in the section called Videos - For ALL KTVA Students. Also pay strict attention to the lessons in your KTVA Volume. Thirdly, watch the KTVA Webinars. Ken has some things to say about Support in the Glottal Compression webinars, as well.
There is also the Diaphragmatic Breathing and Support section of the Forums with plenty of info on support. It's hard to describe in a way that makes sense to all learners, so hopefully you will be able to grasp the concepts and implement them into your singing.
So for your first 3 pointers: Support, Support, and Support!!!
: ^ )