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Download or Dvd Copy?

JoelAbadalJoelAbadal Pro Posts: 2
Hello my name is Joel, I´m form Spain and I´m 17 years old.
I´m a musical theatre actor. I´m currently in Flashdance Austria.
I want to buy the KTVA but I don´t know what would be better: the download or the Dvd Copy?

Could you help me with your experience?
If I buy the Download option can I make a copy in another computer to keep it safe?
and if I buy the Dvd Copy can I uploaded in my computer?

Thank you
Joel Abadal


  • rcrosierrcrosier Pro Posts: 275
    Sure you can.  The download is just a couple zip files (at least mine was), that you can unzip to a hard drive, a flash drive, etc.

    I backed mine up to my "music notebook", from the desktop that I downloaded them with, so I'd have them in more than one place, in case my desktop HD crashed... been there, done that...  I might put a copy on a USB flash drive, too.

    I cannot speak for "copyright" legalities, however, of having backup copies... that would have to be someone from KTVA.
  • JoelAbadalJoelAbadal Pro Posts: 2
    Thank you very much your solved my doubts in a second. I´m going to buy it right now.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    Also, for reference, I am aware of situations where a student's laptop died, and KTVA helped them to restore files to the replacement laptop they later got.  It's a good thing to keep copies of your purchase receipts somewhere safe, just in case something happens to your course.


  • jgamble66jgamble66 Member Posts: 5
    I just bought the download and so far I've got nothing but a receipt!   How do you actually get the zip files?  Do they get emailed to you?  I don't see anywhere on the website to download them.

    Please help!!!
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031


    The zip files are now emailed to you via a program called hightail, if I'm not mistaken.  Used to be via YouSendIt.  I think it's the same company with an updated name.  They are a third-party site for emailing compressed files.

    The first thing to do is to check your junk mail folder and see if your download emails have been impounded there.  That is a common occurrence.  If you don't see them anywhere, then email ktvahelp@gmail.com.

    I know Ken has been travelling and may be in the studio as we speak. Make sure to contact us here again if you don't see your link emails and we'll find out what's happening.  Let us know one way or the other if you need more assistance and we'll get you squared away.

    : ^ )


  • rcrosierrcrosier Pro Posts: 275
    Hmmmm...  All this talk about an email and downloading... I am on the two-payment Pro plan... should I expect an email to download some files, too, upon final payment?  I have not seen any email about downloading... or are they not included with my plan?

    I must say that I have downloaded a couple volumes and quite a bunch of audio and video files... including what I THINK might be the infamous track 17-22...
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031


    The full download for PRO package would include Folders titled: ProPack1, ProPack2A, ProPack 2B, ProPack 3A, ProPack 3B, ProPack 4, Volume 1, Volume 2, and Volume 3.

    If you look into your main folders you should find these.  If some are not there, then perhaps your 2-payment plan also includes a 2-download plan.  I don't have any insight into the sales.  To the best of my knowledge, you are only being withheld from PRO status on the forums pending completion of payment.  You're probably getting pretty close to that time frame now...



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    YouSendIt used to be the program that was used to send the compressed files, however once you download your files, you're done with YouSendIt. On the other hand, that company may have sent you some junk email that caused it to ask you to sign up for an account or something like that.

    I believe YouSendIt is no more and now Hightail is the name of the company that delivers the files.

    And wouldn't you know it, I've had some messages annoying me from Hightail recently, and darn if I don't have Hightail icons on my desktop on both of my main computers now that I'm not getting those messages any more!  I probably relented and finally told them OK.

    I think you would be fine if you did an "uninstall" on YouSendIt if it's still in your computer. 

    Sneaky little software robot varmints!



  • rcrosierrcrosier Pro Posts: 275
    My email contained links to two zip files from "cloudfront.net" in August...
    In case anyone is curious, or in case it matters...


  • jgamble66jgamble66 Member Posts: 5
    Thanks Bob I got my download just a couple of hours later.  Really getting a lot out of i :)
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    Great, @jgamble66!

    Good to know you're up and making progress!



  • rlspadzrlspadz Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 22
    Hey! So I'm new here. I ordered the dvd copy and finished watching volume 1. I'd like to read through the pdf file "how to do this volume" but I'm not sure where it is. 

    Thank you!
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