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3 Doors Down on Yahoo screen tonight...

rcrosierrcrosier Pro Posts: 275
edited September 2014 in Off Topic
I've been watching 3 doors down acoustic on Yahoo screen tonight, just a few songs, and as much as I like their songs, I have to say that he definitely doesn't sound like he's singing even close to the way we are being taught here, and I have to say that I was not really impressed.

His pitch was sharp on pretty much every song I listened to, including "When I'm Gone", the last one.

He sounded like he didn't have nearly enough support, and was straining through the songs I heard.  I came in near the end of an hour and a half, so maybe it was better at the beginning...

If you have time, I'm sure it will be recorded so you can play it back... go have a listen, and tell me if I'm nuts, will you?


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