Hi I'm new to the forum and just getting started

Hi my name is Tim and I just started singing recently.

I'm am not looking to sing a specific style of music since I like most style and appreciate what pop, rock, hip hop, rnb, country, folk, etc... brings to the table.
I am pretty motivated right now and have been doing the vocal training twice a day for about a week now. I feel I can keep going at that pace since it fits with my daily dancing practice session.
I have been dancing for more than 13 years and still keeping the discipline to train everyday.

My main goal is mainly to get good enough to sing with my friends when they jam at parties. I've always loved signing but I never actually took the time to take it more seriously and getting proper training.

I guess that is what I am doing now!

Anyways I'm stoked about the program and can't wait to improve!
See you around!


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited September 2014

    Hi, Tim!

    Nice to meet you!!

    With your motivation you've kept going for so long with your dance training, you should have no problem making great strides with your voice! 

    The cool thing about motivation is that it can be contagious, and that's good.  Just like the lack of motivation can also infect others in a negative manner, a great attitude towards being motivated and enjoying your workouts is a really good thing! 

    Good to have you on board!  Welcome!



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