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Atrophy of the voice from lack of use.

tkzuspantkzuspan Pro Posts: 16
I will be leaving for basic training and AIT on November 3rd. Since I've started KTVA I've gained a whole step in my chest range. Of course at my training I won't be able to sing every day. When I get back, will I have to regain some of my range? If so, will I be able to regain it quickly? Or I start over? Thanks, Kolby


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035


    You won't have to start ALL over, but you need to be careful when you come back. 

    It will be very easy to overdo it at first, and you could blow your voice out by faking yourself into thinking you can just step back in and sing as high and strong as you have presently built your voice up to do. 

    By the time you start to wonder if maybe you should ease off a little bit, it will be too late. 

    Save yourself a setback and put your toe back into the waters easily at first.  Give yourself a week or two of warmups and see how your voice is doing before you start to lean into the sound. 

    How long will you be away?



  • tkzuspantkzuspan Pro Posts: 16
    About 5 months in total.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Yes. Then the above should be about right. Give yourself a couple of weeks to get back into it.

    You may feel like going for it, because your voice may feel great, but it won't have the strength, so come back in gently and more gradually, so your muscles can be revived and not go into overuse. 

    Take good care of yourself in the meantime!



  • johnjohn johnjohn Pro Posts: 99
    @ Bob: It took me about 2 weeks of daily practice, after my recent surgery, to get myself back to where I was at, vocally, prior to the op.  Is that about average?
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited October 2014


    That's about right.  After about two weeks, gradually getting a little bolder each day, you should be feeling pretty good vocally.  From there, it's usually business as usual.

    : ^ )



  • johnjohn johnjohn Pro Posts: 99
    Thanks, Bob, that's what I'm hoping for.  :-)
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