
Ken talks about moving from chest to head voice around E to G. Would that be a passagio? If so, is there another one up higher? It seems to me I have two of those transitions. The first around a C, the second one is also C, an octave higher.
Yes. There is a primo passagio and a secondo passagio.
Usually, if you have to make adjustments around C4, you will have to again adjust around E, F, F# or G4. It is not unusual for someone to have to work at stretching chest voice for quite a long time before they can remain in chest voice until C5.
If you're already making it to C5 before having to go to head voice, consider yourself to be fortunate. A lot of others would probably like to trade voices with you.
: ^ )
If you are having to go to head voice at A4 (5th fret, 1st string) then that is your secondo passagio. If you have to shift, it's a passagio.
So what is it you're doing at C5 (8th fret, 1st string)? Another shift, because you're already in head voice, if I understand you correctly? If so, then you are shifting from head voice into exactly what? A thinner head voice at C5?
You may, of course, be gradually mixing through any of these regions, in which case it's like a giant, gradual passagio. Most people start out shifting in steps, and eventually smooth the whole thing into a gradual shading from chest into head.
By the way, @musicman, you're quoting Ken in the KTVA volumes, so I'm wondering if you are a KTVA student?
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