stretching chest voice

Hello, I just started the program with HTS volume 1. I'm 24, and I've had vocal lessons for the last 6 years and graduated from college with a degree in music for voice. in the video program, they are emphasizing stretching chest voice as far as possible like C5 (I am a tenor). Now, I can sing up in chest voice up to Bb5 and other times tenor C5. But When I sing this high in chest voice for a prolonged period of time (range of G4-C5), my voice becomes strained and it doesn't have the stamina to pull off the rest of the song or other difficult high register songs. Once you start working on head voice and perfecting the bridge and mixed voice, will this allow me to sing that range (G4-C5) with much more easy and comfort, but still with a powerful sound like chest voice once I learn to mix and bridge to head voice at different parts of my voice?
Yes, your comfort and ease of access to these notes will improve with time. Initially when we are first accessing notes in the range near C5, we are lucky to singing them at all. Then, once we have figured out how to configure our voice to get up there in the first place, we begin to build a little more strength and stamina in that area. We also learn to more dependably shed the chesty weight and sing a more pared-down tone as we ascend. You also want to keep the volume relatively low. You don't want to be blasting air on your cords on notes that are difficult to hit. Use support to mitigate the air pressure and the quantity of air you apply to your cords.
You are correct that your voice will not initially have the stamina to sustain those notes, until you have built more strength there. That said, you will rely on your support to keep from straining and blasting on those notes. Give yourself time to work up to more sustained notes in that area. Initially you will just be touching on those notes. As you gain strength, you will be able to sustain the notes longer and longer. Don't get in too much of a hurry. This is a growth issue. Exercise, and allow time for growth and strength to develop.
A key to the ability to sing longer in this range is to approach the notes with less force and greater ease. The majority of your energy will go into support.
When you fully develop this range, you will be able to sing in chest, head, or mix, and only you will know which of these configurations you are using.