Why is the Pavarotti video down?

Hi, this is a two part question:
First: Can Ken's method be used to sing opera with decent technique? (I have a sneaking suspicion the answer is no)
Second: Why did you remove the Pavarotti video you did a while back? I know it wasn't the best, but I don't remember it being that bad....
It was Ken's version on Nessun Dorma, not really a "How to sing like Pavarotti." Lots of artists have performed Nessun Dorma. Too many haters criticized miniscule things about Ken's rendition, like mispronunciation of some of the Italian words. The purist critics went nuts. Ken will re-record it later and address some of the minor flaws that were so highly criticized.
You can use Ken's methods to improve an operatic voice, but any opera purist would want the dark and covered sound that is used to make it sound like opera. Can an opera singer benefit and grow their voice and range by using KTVA techniques? You Bet! But in the end, if you want the classical opera sound, you go back to using covered sounds and darker tone. The voice itself will be stronger and the range increased if KTVA methods are employed.
just disable the comments on youtube.