Getting Stronger; Doors Influence

Hey all,
I have a notoriously soft speaking voice and singing voice. People have told me it sounds "smooth," "soothing," and "pure."
However, I want a bigger sound in my voice. I would love some grit, freedom, and fullness like Jim Morrison of the Doors. Would KTVA be able to help me incorporate some of that influence, strengthen my voice, and get some rock tone in my indie-ish, smooth vocals?
Most new KTVA students are astonished at the growth of their voices. That's one of the first things that starts happening. Other things, like the grit, take longer.
You will still have the option available to sing more quietly, but KTVA will show you how to grow your voice into something more powerful.
You can't really pick vocal development like items from a menu.
You have to start at the beginning and proceed from there.
In your case you should start with Volume One. That will get you started. Eventually you'll want to continue from there... Don't try to skip ahead without the KTVA basics.
Good Singing to you!