Recovering from long singing hiatus...

Best Answers
highmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
Hi, @ronhughes.
Open Throat singing should help your voice, not cause problems. You may be oversinging.
You should submit a video demo of you doing some basic LAH scales. We can take a listen and take a look and see what's up with your voice or your technique.
If you do these exercises and techniques correctly, your voice will open up very well.
You may be introducing tensions that have nothing to do with good singing technique.
Nice to meet you. Looking forward to getting your voice to where you want it to be. Do remember to leave past practices at the door, and pay strict attention to Ken's instructions.
: ^ )
jre Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 99
@ronhughes I would like to add that I think each and every one us here has met with frustration along the way. There's lots of things that can cause horseness and vocal stops and most are moving targets that can be managed. These techniques when used properly will get you through. I also think its worth checking out Ken's video on health and wellness(allergies) just for overall health tips. At least for me I had frustrating loss of head voice last month and Ken's tips have helped me very much as I have regained my full range. Good singing to you. -
highmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
Yes. To post a demo, you just record your demo and then past a link to it in a message, explaining what you are asking about in your demo.
We'll check it out and get back to you with feedback.
How do I post a video? Post it to YouTube and put the link in my forum message?
I did a remix of a song I recorede once-upon-a-time that shows what my voice was like up until about 3 years ago, when I just sort of stopped singing. I've listened to my singing and have been trying to identify what I'm doing mechanically. It sounds to me like I've developed my chest voice pretty high up the register, then I mix chest and head (a lot), and use supported head voice on the high stuff. I'd really like to know what you think if you have time to listen. Thanks, Ron.
You certainly had a good range. I heard D5's and an E5 in there.
After you get well, let's see what you sound like on some basic exercises and see how you're doing now.
All the Best!
I've been consistently doing V1 exercises 5 days a week for the past 8 months, and I'm finally able to move past lip brrs and tongue exercises to do the open LAH parts, but it's pretty awful. I don't know if I want to post a video of where I'm at, but even with finally seeing progress, I still can't actually sing a song that goes above my "break."
I'm becoming more convinced that there's a mechanical problem, but my ENT says there are no nodes. If there is a mechanical problem, I'm ready to hang it up, but I've been singing all my life and can't imagine quitting.
If you read my previous posts, you can see that this is a recurring theme.
I'm way past discouraged, and open to suggestions.
I'm sorry you're still having problems. I don't think we've seen or heard a demo of you doing the LAH vowel. That's the gold standard and tells us what you're doing. A video would be best.
We haven't had a chance to help you yet, because you haven't submitted a LAH scale to get started. I'm not sure why you would be having trouble with anything beyond a lip trill and tongue exercise. That just doesn't add up right. Your voice sounded so good in your old demo.
Give us a chance to try to see what's happening. The Lah scales will let us hear how you are using your voice. We can go from there.
It's not time to hang it up yet. It's time to rebuild your voice.
Let's do it.
Good Singing to You!
(okay to continue with discussion string?)