Patience by Guns and Roses

streeterstreeter Pro Posts: 678

Have a listen... go nuts.


  • streeterstreeter Pro Posts: 678
    edited December 2014

    Soundcloud playing up... try this link

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    Sounds good bro.  Not much to tear to pieces.  You've got this one covered.  It's all in an easy place for you.  You seem to have a handle on the higher notes at the end.


  • streeterstreeter Pro Posts: 678
    Thanks @highmtn. It wasn't 6 months ago... Btw i Cant tag @Semi or @rrcrosier in my other thread 'Gains...' ... I replied but its not coming up
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    Yeah, I see how those aren't turned into blue links over in that thread.  I tried to edit them and put commas in or periods there to delineate the tags, and I couldn't make it work, either.

    I don't know what's up with that.  Your tag for kaulfers worked fine.  I have no idea wassup with that!?!

    Just an oddity of some sort.


  • SemiSemi Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 153
    edited December 2014

    Nice job on this one too! You feel the music man, it just flows through you nice and easy. At the end of the song you put some high notes and sang them like it`s nothing. That`s my goal! Nice vibrato on the very end!
        You used a glottal compression on this one, am I correct? In the means you are holding your breath a lot.

  • streeterstreeter Pro Posts: 678
    edited December 2014
    Cheers @Semi

    'You feel the music man, it just flows through you nice and easy.' That's the ultimate compliment for a musician and certainly one of the best i've ever gotten. Thanks man.

    Yes, I hold my Breath almost all the time for everything... Hard, Easy, Clean, Dirty, High, Low. 

    Just to clarify, when I say I'm 'Holding My Breath' it means I am cutting the air back as much as possible. That's the Glottal Compression. So I'm singing the whole tune with Glottal Compression... Same goes for the other tunes I have up on that Sound Cloud.

     There's still a stream of air but it's at the most minimum amount I can manage and still get the sound.
    When I add the Grit is when I'm leaning in even more... 

    For Example I add Weight to... 'I Been Walkin' the streets at night, just tryna get it right' 

    Then I back off a bit and clean it up for the next phrase ' Hard to See with So many Around, you know I don't like being stuck in the crowed' So I'm Toggling between Hyper Glottal and Glottal compression.

    I Hope that Makes Sense.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    That makes Hyper Sense, streeter.

    : ^ )

  • SemiSemi Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 153

    It makes perfect sense. I`ve been trying recently to incorporate this feeling of holding my breath, yet keeping my throat as open as possible to protect my voice from over singing. Today, after an half hour of bunch of airy chest notes, I tried different approach. I sang few scales in bright timbral head voice without too much air, just small tones with plenty of resonance. I brought it pretty low to my speaking register. Then I switched back to my chest voice workout and tried to remember that super-relaxed feeling. Suddenly, the excessive air was gone! I repeated this every time my notes became breathy and it worked!
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031


    The timbre comes mostly from cord closure.  Most singers use air in their head voice, with the most glaring example of that being falsetto, in which the cords are deliberately held with an open gap.  That's where the flutey, airy sound comes from.  Holding back the air also means a larger proportion of tone to air in the mixture.  So between good cord closure and compression (holding back) the air, you get more tone and less air.

  • xianxian Enrolled Posts: 5
    Sounds fantastic, truly.  
  • KaiEllisKaiEllis Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 215
    Just stumbled on this searching for stuff on the forum about Axl and WOW @streeter . This is you playing guitar too yeah? Just an extraordinary demo. You capture the phrasing with authenticity and charisma. It's like listening to a "What if... Axl took voice lessons" alternate universe haha
  • streeterstreeter Pro Posts: 678
    KaiEllis said:

    Just stumbled on this searching for stuff on the forum about Axl and WOW @streeter . This is you playing guitar too yeah? Just an extraordinary demo. You capture the phrasing with authenticity and charisma. It's like listening to a "What if... Axl took voice lessons" alternate universe haha

    Yeah man. Me on guitar too. @KaiEllis

    Just to clarify for anyone now reading this thread. Glottal compression (for me) is an extension of support. If the ribs are expanded and the support system is in place you will get that 'Inahare la voce' (inhaling) sensation. When I'm clean, I'm not doing anything artificial in my throat, I'm just letting the voice float on the hard palette on the steady stream of air. When I distort, I'm not squeezing, or pulling anything, it's from a very relaxed, lazy place.
  • karinekarine Enrolled, 2.0 PRO Posts: 38
    Love it !!!!! Awesome !!!
    That is the song I am working on guitar !!!
    Good job !!! Nice voice !
  • Nice. Its cool to see the mods throwing themselves out there for us students to hear.
    One critique though, but nothing to do with your voice. The guitars are too loud. You have a great voice. The vocals need to be a tad louder to let us hear you better, and with a voice like yours, we want to hear it better.

    Peace, Tony
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