Just Joined here from kent in uk, damaged voice and regular gigs lined up

Hello I just joined an bought the course, I have a background of singing in rock bands and a while ago I damaged my voice and was told I wouldnt sing again, and If I continued I would need speech therapy to fix me.

But I decided to learn correct technique and start from scratch with my singing.

I'm excited to get started

I have been offered a gig playing every Tuesday for 3 hours a night, and If I make a good impression I will get a regular slot playing every thursday paid.
So I really want this, but I want my voice to be strong enough to last me day in and day out.




  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Hi, @donnyu,

    Welcome to the KTVA forums!  It is good that you have decided to learn proper methods of singing to prevent further damage to your voice.  Pay close attention to the instructions Ken gives in the videos and on the audio exercises.  You will be rebuilding your voice from the ground up.

    You will be pleased with the results!

    Nice to meet you!


  • donnyudonnyu Pro Posts: 4
    Nice to meet you aswell Bob. :)
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