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  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    edited December 2014

    Hi, @JonathanMichael!

    Nice to meet you.  First of all, please look in your download files from KTVA.  Go all the way into the Volume One Videos folder ( hts - volume 1 - main movie ) , and there at the bottom you will see one file that looks different, it's a pdf file.  Click on that one, called hts - vol -1 -v20.

    That is the instruction booklet for Volume 1.  You will also find similar files in Volumes 2 and 3.

    Those give you important information on how to approach your KTVA studies.

    Most singing students don't have five hours a day to devote.  Five hours a day is excellent, if you are able to keep that up.

    Since you say you have ZERO experience, it may depend in part on your ability to hear and to match pitches accurately.  If that is not a problem for you, then you will move forward more quickly.  If, on the other hand, you struggle with this, then your first task will be to learn to match pitch accurately.

    There is a training module here on the Forums in the VIDEOS - FOR ALL KTVA STUDENTS section called BASIC PITCH that can help you to sharpen your pitch capabilities.  You probably should go through that, just for the learning process, even if you are already good at discerning pitch.

    There is also a section in the student area of the Forums called GETTING STARTED.  There are lots of common questions asked and answered there, so it's a good idea to read all of those threads, and really, most of the Volume One section of the forums.

    Once your forums status is upgraded, you'll have access to those areas.

    You should re-watch the videos periodically, because you'll always catch something new that you missed before.

    Since you will have more time to work with the program, I suggest you start out as early as is comfortable for you each day, at about the same time.  The Lip Rolls and Tongue exercises are warmups, and the scales that follow are more the actual workout. 

    You can repeat the exercises as often as you like.  You may want to put your player on "Repeat Track" and do each exercise three or four times.  Alternately, you may want to go through the entire audio workout, and take a short break, then repeat the whole thing.  It's possible that on repeats, you may skip the lip rolls and tongue exercises, but I never do.  In fact, I like to do them several times, as they really limber-up my voice and get it even more warmed-up.

    If you are having troubles with any of the exercises, it's OK to move on.  You don't have to struggle.  Some people have troubles doing lip rolls.  I did, for some time, in fact.  I can do them forwards and backwards now.  If the scales get too high for you, just rewind the exercise and do the part you can do,  or fast forward until it gets to the part you can join back in.  Eventually, as your voice grows, you will most likely be able to do even the highest notes in the exercises.   

    Some of the exercises will be a stretch for you.  That's healthy.  Just don't Strain.  Stretching is good, straining is not.  As your voice grows, more notes will come into your ability.  Do your best to stay relaxed.  Getting tensed-up does not help you to hit higher notes.  It just tenses you up, and prevents you from singing with the relaxation you need.

    Initially, you should keep your practice time focused on the KTVA exercises.  Practicing songs will be something that will be more appropriate after you have gone through Volumes One and Two.  That doesn't mean you can't sing any songs, but you have a lot of basics to learn so that you can actually apply those basic principles into the songs you will be learning.  First you want to learn all of the basic building blocks of singing, and lay a solid foundation for your voice.  Then you can start building some solid songs.

    One of THE BEST things you can do to help gauge your progress and provide maximum feedback to yourself is to RECORD and LISTEN BACK to ALL of your workouts.  You then get over the shock of hearing and possibly disliking the sound of your own voice, which is a common response many singers have, if they have not recorded a lot.  You also have the advantage of hearing minor (or major) things about your voice that may be easily corrected.  You can see what your strengths are and what your weaknesses are.  You can begin to focus on converting your weaknesses into your strengths. 

    These exercises and the techniques Ken teaches you in the videos will grow your voice.  The more time you spend working your voice and exercising your body with these techniques, the faster your voice will begin to grow.  You may feel fatigue initially, and at times you will slip back a step before moving forward another step.  That's all normal and part of the process.

    ALSO - in the PRO section of the forums under PRO VIDEOS, you will find that there are new, more in-depth videos on KTVA BASICS (both Dude and Divas versions).  Watch those (Both Dude and Divas).  They will help to enhance your understanding of all the basic principles.

    This is a journey that will last you the rest of your singing life.  You're just getting started!  Your faithful, regular, focused practice will pay and pay over time as you continue to forge ahead!

    Welcome to KTVA, and Good Singing to You!



  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2017
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    You can post a video in the Vocal Demonstrations area.  There is a specific thread that is called Demo area for Newbies, and that's a good place to start out. 

    It's best if your demo be of you doing a couple of the basic exercises, like the Lah scales, for example.  Just an exercise will be fine.  Post a link to your demo in the Newbies demo area when you're ready for a little feedback.

    You only need to do this periodically, when you need a second opinion to know if you're getting the basics right.  If you record yourself and listen back as I mentioned in my previous response, you can train yourself to hear what you are doing, and give a lot of self-feedback.


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2017
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