help,having vocal fold issues

I made the transition from drummer to lead vocalist recently,man its fun and I am really enjoying it.i knew I'd have to take this seriously though, to front a semi pro band,thats when I found kens program, wow amazing ,gods blessed him what a talent..while I have had no formal training at all apart from kens course heres the problems I am having after doing the warm ups,and after gigs I go hoarse cant hit certain notes properly etc ,very frustrating indeed. I knew some thing was;nt right.
I have just had a second opinion from an ENT specialist heres the situation
on examination,both folds have irregularities on the medial edge of the vocal folds in the striking zone the right side being more prominent than the left.on the left there were two lesions and a right vocal fold lesion,also some swelling (oedema).
in short I have bilateral vocal fold lesions in the striking zone,OUCH,these are typical for lesions related to overuse or misuse I do suffer from asthma allergies.and had my fair share of respiratory tract infection,prolonged coughing etc.
the specialist has recommended me to seek out a singing teacher/voice coach for proper technique ,reducing the vocal work load ie gigs ,waming up etc.{I know I should be warming up very gently as ken has instructed on the dvd ).
the doctor also added that if the lesions are persistent,despite vocal coaching, vocal rest etc to intervene with treatment like(BILATERAL VOCAL FOLD INJECTION WITH STERIOD).
I want to take a web cam (Skype) lesson with ken some time and sort out where I am at.would these lesions be a hindrance to me progressing further in singing? I am currently doing vol 1 at the moment even these warm ups the longer ones can be challenging with my current vocal health.
any feed back on whats the best thing to do would be much appreciated, it would be good to get kens feed back on this as well.
thanks kind regards daz.
Best Answer
Ken Tamplin Administrator, Moderator Posts: 446
You definitely have lesions on the medial edge of the vocal folds in the strike zone and some hydropsy (i.e. oedema which is basically fluid retention).
However if you look closely at the bilateral fold lesions during ee vowel and upper mid voice phonation, you will see sporadic closure.
What this means is that the lesions are relatively fresh and have not fully calloused (hardened). Which also means you should be able to rehabilitate this without steroid injections or surgery.
sorry for the late reply merry xmas happy new year etc. i had to check everything out with the doctor etc,and thanks for answering my question,awesome to hear from you.
here goes.
I am taking SERETIDE asthma inhaler,which is a preventive medication.i take this when i need it.i dont use ventolin any more ,just the seretide.
I checked with my doctor and i dont have any sinusitis,now that i cut out all dairy foods, i dont seem to have phlegm problems now.,not to the extent i did before.
I do have allergic rhinitis though,so i take antihistamine tabs daily for pollen house mite dust allergies etc.
yes i have a copy of the stroboscopy,the file though is 60 mb pretty big they tell me to send via email.
I could send it to you in the post by air mail if you like i just need your address, or is there some other way?,i have another copy so you can keep it if you like.
I wanna have an online lesson i just have to get skype sorted out and you can check me out that would be good.
hey can i still do light warm ups though in the meantime with this condition is this wise or not? i dont want to blow my voice or have to resort to steroids if i can help it.
looking forward to hearing back from ya thanks man kind regards daz (new zealand)
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is an age old remedy that is often suggested for a variety of health conditions. Its ability to reduce mucous production and cleanse the lymphatic system makes it useful for allergies. It is also said to help digestion, weight loss and more.
2. Neti Pot and Saline Rinse
3. Quercetin
Quercetin is a natural bioflavonoid that is said to help stabilize mast cells to keep them from releasing histamine. It is also a potent antioxidant that is said to help reduce inflammation. It is best used as a long term remedy and many people start taking it about 4-6 weeks before allergy season to help prevent allergy symptoms.
As with any herb, you should check with your doctor before using, especially if you have a liver problem.
4. Nettle Leaf
Nettle leaf is another natural antihistamine that can be very effective as it naturally blocks the body’s ability to produce histamine. It grows in many places and can be made in to a tincture or tea, but for allergy relief, capsules made from dried nettle leaves are the easiest and most effective option.
Nettle leaf can also be used in combination with other herbs to make a soothing herbal tea for allergy relief. It is often mixed with peppermint leaf and sometimes red raspberry leaf to make a refreshing allergy relief tea.
To Use: Either make a tea or use capsules for acute relief of allergy symptoms.
Allergies are the result of an imbalance in the immune system that causes the body to react too strongly to a stimuli. New research links the presence of beneficial bacteria in the gut with reduced incidence of allergies.
6. Local Honey (local to your area)
Local bees that pollinate in your area carry strong antibodies which are reproduced in both Honey and Bee Pollen. It must be from your indigenous area or it will not work
These are just a few and combinations are also very effective.