Home Vocal Health and Wellness

Cold, hoarseness, no practice for a few days... And Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

rcrosierrcrosier Pro Posts: 275
edited December 2014 in Vocal Health and Wellness
It's funny how much you miss practicing, and how guilty you feel, after doing it 5-plus days a week for four months, and then get a cold and have to stop almost cold...

I had a gig last Friday, felt a cold coming on Saturday, another holiday gig Sunday night, and though my voice felt fine after that gig, Monday, the cold hit hard to my throat, and my voice is pretty much a train wreck now.  Hoping I can coax it back into service by January 2nd, when our next gig is...  Did just a TINY bit of lip rolls and even less tongue exercise today, but that's all I could do before I felt like I needed to stop.   Maybe more tomorrow and over the weekend...

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all on the KTVA forum, from (not so snowy) Vermont, USA!  (it's a balmy 54 degrees at 11:48pm Christmas Eve here tonight)



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    Merry Christmas, Ray!

    Get well soon.


  • rcrosierrcrosier Pro Posts: 275
  • rcrosierrcrosier Pro Posts: 275
    First practice in a week, though I'm still all stuffed up in my nose, my throat felt pretty good, so I did about 6 easy tracks of volume 1, and it wasn't bad.  Luckily, at least so far, my cold did not go down into my chest to make me cough a lot.  I was really hoarse for a few days this week, but the workout was pretty good today... (yay!)   hahaha

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    Here's hoping you're feeling well by Friday!


  • kaulferskaulfers Pro Posts: 300

     Have you checked out Ken's mucus video?  He covers a lot of items to help stay ahead of and power through colds.
  • johnjohn johnjohn Pro Posts: 99
    Hey, Ray!
    Hope you're on the mend.  Last Tuesday, Dec. 23rd, after a long run without catching anything, 
    I finally succumbed to a really nasty bug doing the rounds, which went straight to my throat.
    The congestion was horrendous, so I've pretty much been out of commission for 5 days, going on 6.  I did try a few lip rolls, and the tongue exercise but had to stop after that.  I'm planning to attempt some light scales today, but am not all that optimistic, since the congestion is still pretty bad, and accordingly I've developed a rather unproductive cough.  Other than that I feel ok, so I don't think it's a bout of influenza.  Fortunately I have no immediate shows lined up, but after the first week of January I have some studio vocal sessions and more gigs on the calendar, so I need to get back to my daily routine, asap!

    Happy New Year to One and All!

  • rcrosierrcrosier Pro Posts: 275
    @kaulfers:  Yes, I did, have a few items that I take/use pretty regularly.  I think they do help.

    @johnjohn:  Sounds a lot like what I had, but I was lucky to not get a really sore throat, only minor.  It was the worst congestion I've had in a long time though.  Good news is that today was WAY better for me, so I'm hopeful to be back on track tomorrow.  I skipped practicing today, will pick up again tomorrow and see how it goes... gotta get warmed up for a Friday night gig, but as of tonight, I'm feeling pretty optimistic!  Hope you're feeling better soon!

  • johnjohn johnjohn Pro Posts: 99
    Thanks, Ray!
    I'm feeling ok in myself, I'm just having a hard time shaking this congestion in my throat.
    Hoping to start some light vocal practice later today....

    Appreciate the good wishes.

    All the best with your gig on Friday.  :-)
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