Hello Fellow KTVA folk

Hello everyone, my name is Matthew Wang and I just joined this wonderful program last week. I've been practicing everyday and have already seen much improvement in my voice. My main instrument is electric guitar, but I also fronted a pop rock band called The Neon Eyes that was playing a lot in the NYC area. I had a few voice lessons as a kid but was never trained in rock vocals. Before KtVA, I was reading a lot of Jamie Vendera and the TC Helicon Ultimate Guide To Singing. I love both readings, but as soon as I started volume 1 of KTVA, everything I read in those books suddenly made much more sense.

Just thought I'd introduce myself here to you all and please feel free to check out my YouTube channel at:
For some guitar goodness and a look at my music. Have a great day/night and wish me luck with the KTVA!

Best regards,

Matthew Wang


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Nice to get to know you Matthew!

    You will find that your KTVA instruction will take your voice beyond anything you've done in the past!

    You will need to leave other methods at the door, as they will not fully mesh with KTVA.

    It's great to have you here!


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