Damon from Los Angeles

Hi everyone,
I just joined the forum today. I am in charge of the motion capture process for creating video games at a company called Naughty Dog as my day job but have been singing since I was little. I just never took time to take training. About 2.5 years ago I unknowingly was having some issues with acid reflux. Turns out it did a lot of damage during my sleep to my vocal chords and I lost my voice entirely for about 6 months. Once I was able to talk again I slowly worked on getting to where I can sing decently because I love it so much. But I decided today that it was time for me to really dig down and focus on my singing. 

For people in or around the LA area, I have just opened a web based live broadcast station with a couple of friends. http://dromebox.com we broadcast live wednesday through sunday each week from 4pm pst to around 2 am. We have open hour long time slots available for bands, or comedians or improv troupes to sign up and get broadcast out onto the web. This works very similar to public access. We can give you more information if you are interested. We strongly believe in supporting local artists and giving them a platform to get exposure. We just went live "beta" on New years day so we are still getting everything up and running but slots are available to start signing up for now and get rolling with getting your name out there.

glad to meet everyone, look forward to seeing people's progress and helping each other grow.
Damon Shelton


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Hi, Damon!

    I hope you have your acid reflux under control, you don't want to mess around with that!

    You will find KTVA to be a great way to build your voice and strengthen it.

    We're glad to know you and to have you on board!


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