Worried about Inguinal Hernia :/ VOL. 3

Hi there, another KTVA disciple here with an embarrassing problem!
Been on Vol. 3 now for about 2 weeks (after about 4 months on V2 and 2-3 on V1) , and boy is it transforming my voice. Glottal compression is revolutionizing my singing and I feel like i'm about to break boundaries over the next couple of months. However, things have taken a turn for the scary over the last couple of days - I have experienced mild testicular pain and slight aching emitting from my inguinal rings over the last two nights (along with lower abdominal fatigue - as if I'd just done a good few hundred crunches), just for a couple of hours AFTER singing before it subsides completely. Now, at first I assumed something as awful as an STD, but after lots of research, I am fairly confident this issue is related to the incredible new amount of support that getting through the workout and an hour and a half of singing afterwards requires. I expect that I need to be taking things slower (although vocally I can happily navigate through the exercises) and possibly do some core strengthening or pelvic floor exercises? My fear was compounded by "appoggio" being hailed on this book page (https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=G69MDCyE8F4C&pg=PA24&lpg=PA24&dq=inguinal+hernia+appoggio&source=bl&ots=RQBcSB-r-_&sig=oCLJ-Tj7SMvSnxbdbdTNeyUP_ik&hl=en&sa=X&ei=DfCuVJTUA8HvUoW_gLAB&ved=0CCQQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=inguinal hernia appoggio&f=false) as presenting an increased risk of inguinal hernia. Also these horror stories (http://loudwire.com/machine-head-exit-current-tour-as-frontman-robb-flynn-undergoes-emergency-surgery/) about Rob Flynn experiencing double inguinal hernia's don't help :P At the end of the day, I just don't want to lose this new voice i'm finally getting a hold of due to surgery or whatever, and was wondering if anyone had any views or experience of this under-reported problem..

Sorry for the rant, KTVA is the WAY FORWARD!
EDIT: Just to confirm, I don't think I HAVE the hernia as of yet, but the symptoms are indicative of intense pressure and I want to make sure I prevent it happening. I really can't afford to stop singing as I have a marked degree performance coming up!
You are more likely to get (or exacerbate) a hernia if you are overweight or you do a lot of lifting, coughing, or straining.
The main symptom of an inguinal hernia is a bulge in the groin or scrotum. It often feels like a round lump. The bulge may form over a period of weeks or months. Or it may appear all of a sudden after you have been lifting heavy weights, coughing, bending, straining, or laughing. The hernia may be painful, but some hernias cause a bulge without pain.