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The beginner

KennyKenny Pro Posts: 4


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,387

    Hi, Kenny!

    What's up?

    : ^ )

    How are you doing?


  • KennyKenny Pro Posts: 4
    Hi Bob!

    I`m Fine.
    Just came up from my bed,I fellt back to sleep again this morning.

    Time for Workout and late a breakfast.

    I am also a fittnesfreak :)

    The musicpart i`ll usually do att night time. Maybe i hitt thoose strings a little before i hit my body.


  • cblaircblair Pro Posts: 13
    Is it good to do the warm ups all day?
  • rcrosierrcrosier Pro Posts: 275
    edited January 2015
    @cblair:  I have seen several times on the forum that "it's best to try to do them at the same time every day, usually the time you would normally sing, if possible."

    For that reason, I try to practice/do warmups in the evening, around the time that I normally play or before... I can't practice at 9:30 at night all the time... luckily some of my gigs are at 7 or 8... :)

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,387



    You can use your voice as much as you like, as long as you don't overuse it by singing loud.  You may not yet have the stamina to sing all day, even lightly, but if you keep it light, use cord closure to avoid putting too much air on the cords, and keep the pressure down, you could sing at a lower volume just about as much as you feel comfortable doing.

    You can't push your voice or strain it for hours a day.  You shouldn't strain it at all. 

    Light, sensible, exercise for your voice is fine.  Some singers work their way up to singing exercises for several hours a day, after warming up.  That is serious practice, but will develop your voice more rapidly.

    The voice includes many muscles, and no part of your body grows overnight or even in a month to a significant degree.  Take it steadily and reasonably.  If you have the time to sing more, then do so properly and with care for your voice.


  • cblaircblair Pro Posts: 13
    I'm used to singing a lot through the day. I've just been doing the basic scales with the LA, ee, oo, and lip roll just to keep my voice fresh and getting my muscles used to the change. I'm having trouble with the lip roll though. I can get up the just fine but coming back down is hard on the very last note of a scale
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,387

    The lip rolls get easier as you continue to do them.

    Many students have difficulty doing them at all.  I was one of those who couldn't get them at all.  It took me a while to relax my face enough to do scales while trilling the lips.

    You'll improve.


  • cblaircblair Pro Posts: 13
    Yeah. I haven't been singing songs much today. All's I've been doing is scales and just happened to hit my chest and head voice. I don't know notes so I can't tell you how high I got but it was interesting. Just seems like the more scanned I do the better it gets
  • KennyKenny Pro Posts: 4
    I have a lot of catching up to do. I have not sung much the last ten years.Then I have to get into a routine. So i can do the exercises as often as possible.
    And even catch up with the language.
    But it will be fun and interesting to learn with this method.
    Give me a few months and I'll upload a song. So we get to hear how it sounds.
  • cblaircblair Pro Posts: 13
    I'm sure it'll go great. One you get back into a routine it'll come natural. I believe in ya :smiley:
  • KennyKenny Pro Posts: 4
    Thank you very much cblair. I willl do my best. Have a nice weekend :)
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