hello all of my singer friends :)

I just ordered the ktva bundle and ready to begin a new journey. I've won quite a few karaoke contests but I feel like my voice can be so much better. I've never had a vocal lesson so this should be a great experience on my way to becoming better in all areas. I was also wondering how to change my password lol. Good bless and have a wonderful day :-)


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Hello, @cblair!

    It's exciting to meet someone who is just getting strapped-in to the vocal improvement rocket sled!

    Your voice will grow like never before!

    Do you see a little gear to the right in the black bar across the top of this page?  If so, then click on it, and you should get a drop-down menu that includes Edit Profile.  Click on Edit Profile and you should see a choice of Change My Password.

    Nice to meet you and to have another singer friend join in the journey!


  • cblaircblair Pro Posts: 13
    Thanks much Bob :smiley: . my family has been wanting me to try out fire the voice but I want to get more experience before I take that kind of challenge. I'm counting down the days to where I can start to unleash the huge voice that I have struggles to control :)
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035


    Just pay strict attention to all of Ken's instructions in the lessons.  You will see great results.


  • cblaircblair Pro Posts: 13
    I plan to. I've got a singing background just never had a lesson so anything that is taught I will listen but sadly I will only have the DVD for s long time because I have no internet where I am. Just the data on my phone
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