Live Vocal Mic: audix om5 vs beta 58 or other?

I have been using a beta 58 forever but I want to move to better live mic that is also available in a wireless format.
Does anyone have recommendations. Rock / blues vocals only.
I do not want to consider condenser microphone due to small club feedback issues.
I have been using a beta 58 forever but I want to move to better live mic that is also available in a wireless format.
Does anyone have recommendations. Rock / blues vocals only.
I do not want to consider condenser microphone due to small club feedback issues.
I haven't used an OM5, but here is some info on it:
I went from a regular SM 58 to a Sennheizer e835, and I like it.
Have you gone to a local music store and done A/B comparisons? Listen with headphone AND through a sound system and see what you like in a side-by-side shootout.
I went and A / B'd mics this weekend. Ended up buying the
SENNHEISER e945 Supercardioid ----- Ammmaaazzing!
It is night and day better than my SHURE mic... so much more presence and fuller sound and greater feedback rejection.
May want to tell the community Sennheiser is offering big rebates this month on most wired and wireless mics... Just an FYI.
I will be sending some vocal samples to Ken for Analysis this week. Still waiting on my KTVA package to arrive.
Thanks, @TommyCrash.
I may end up replacing my e845 with an e945. I'm about ready for a gigging mic upgrade.
Hearing is believing!
Both the e845 and the e945 are Supercardioid mics, so they reject a lot more sound from the sides.
The e945 is a lot clearer and more transparent than my e845. I've listened to the two mics side-by-side over headphones and also live at gigs.
In the phones I can hear the e845 breaking up in the low end. It has more low end than the e945, but the e945 is much clearer. I can hear the upper mids and highs are very clean and they cut through the mix in the e945. With the e945 I can clearly hear my own mic above the other two singers when we sing harmony or unison. My mic has a distinct sound over the shure and behringer mics my bandmates are using, and I greatly prefer it over the e845.
I had to special order it in order to compare it. I paid up front and was prepared to trade it back to the store if it did not meet my expectations. I'm keeping the e945.
> Late to this but +1 on the Sennheiser 935 and 945; crystal-clear highs and cuts through the mix like butter. Be aware that you do need phantom power on these mics but cant recommend highly enough. They are also built like tanks - very rugged.
Phantom power is NOT required for those mics (as they are dynamic)
Peace, Tony