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olskoololskool Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 68
Hi I have been on the program for over 4 months and it's awesome..i practice 6 to 7 days a week between 1-2 hours...
I can manage through masters section without problems but occasionally I have problemsolved with burping..
Now it doesn't last long...one burp and I'm done but it's really annoying and it can happen at awkward moments. .
Even happens when singing live but I've managed to disguise it every time thank goodness.
I take it this is all to do with trapped air.. Holding my breath whilst singing..
I also don't eat anything before practice ..
I always eat at least two hours before so it's not that...
I'm just wondering if others experience this


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035


    I don't have that problem at all when I sing.  It may be that you are swallowing some air into your esophagus. Air is normally in our trachea, but not our esophagus, which leads to the stomach.

    Somehow in your singing and holding back the air, you must be getting some into your esophagus, and that will come back up as a burp. 

    See if you can notice any times when you are swallowing air, rather than holding it back in your lungs.  Burps come from the food and drink tube, not the breathing tube.


  • olskoololskool Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 68
    cheers Bob will try pin point it..

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    You know, @olskool, if you eat prior to your singing, you could also bring about natural burping simply by the pressing-down on the abdomen when you are supporting. 
  • olskoololskool Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 68
    it does come from pressing down on abdomen..
    doesn't matter if i eat or not,,
    sometimes comes from something as simple as a drink of water.
    sometimes its from having nothing at all.
    just something i have to live with i guess..
    its not a constant thing it just happens from time to time and was just curious if others had similar problem,
    no worries dude
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    In one of the older versions of the KTVA lessons Ken warned us to never eat a burrito just before doing your workouts!  He was experiencing the effects of post-burrito depressurization. 

    That's just one more reason to always warm-up before going on stage.  Get all of the bugs worked out of the singing mechanism. 

  • olskoololskool Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 68
    Not into spicy food or anything.
    good tips and ideas though Bob.
  • leo.uleo.u Pro Posts: 1
    edited February 2016
    I'm experiancing this issue aswell.. It's quite annoying whilst moving up the scales. What I've found out about this matter is that when you are breathing properly from your diaphragm, you move your stomach around a lot and force trapped gasses out which might otherwise be expelled at the other end later on.
    Me personally, I don't eat anything (and try to avoid all drinks except for water) for a few hours before performing or practicing, but that one occasionall burp irritates me greatly.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Also, make sure you aren't "swallowing" any air. If anything you are doing while singing causes you to take air down the esophagus (food pipe vs the trachea, or air pipe) then that air will come burping out at any random time.

    When I was a kid, I would swallow air so that I could do that on cue. Then I became infamous for talking or singing on burps, and for deliberately trying to make the longest, loudest possible burps. The only reason I mention that is that normally air and gases don't build up in the stomach, unless you eat spicy food or "pump up" like I used to do. So just make sure that as you inhale for your singing breaths, you aren't doing any swallowing, because that will put that air pressure into your stomach, and it will have to come out, hopefully not on your money note at the climax of the song.
  • olskoololskool Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 68
    The burping thing is annoying...but it is the swallowing of air thing.. I still struggle to ever have a day without it happening at least a couple of times but its always due to lack of concentration.
    When i concentrate on my open throat and keeping things smoothe from the breathing to the actual notes its fine.
    I looked it up and it is quite common in opera singers so its understandable that it happens to us with Ken Tamplins technique.
    Obviously its only a handfull of us because we would have had more discussions about it but its something i personally have to deal with and its become a lot more controllable lately.
    Just focus more on the control from the breath to to the note...
    Keep it smoothe and relaxed.
    Dont push them stomach muscles too hard.
    It should happen a lot less.
    Also to add that when youre voice is fully warmed up theres a big difference too.
    If i warm up for a couple of hours im totally burp free.
    All the best
    Keep singin freely
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    It could be a matter of having "both" tracts open to some extent as you inhale. The epiglottis is the "valve" that has a primary job of keeping food and liquids from going down into the lungs as you eat, drink, and swallow, and allowing air to go into the lungs when no food or liquid is present.

    As you inhale your singing breath, perhaps you don't have the epiglottis opened up fully enough, so that as your belly expands in order to help draw in air to the lungs, if part of that vacuum effect is split with the stomach, via the esophagus, then it may be possible that you are also drawing some of that inhalation breath into your stomach. It would then build as this continues, until enough is there to create a burp response. The epiglottis is a part of a complete Open Throat. It's just that when you are truly open, like when the doctor wants to see your tonsils and has you say "It's the Lah! AH!!", he is looking at your vocal folds, not your breakfast.

    It's like you have a two-way valve in your throat. If it's not fully engaged one way and then the other at the correct times, then there is margin for error with the suction created for inhalation by the downstroke of the diaphragm. It's like a Two-barrel carburetor, only one branch of the intake manifold goes to your singing engine and the other goes to the fiery furnace of burps and burritos.
  • CarlRydbergCarlRydberg 2.0 PRO Posts: 36
    I have the same issue. Several times per scale. So, how do we work around this? I think I have a good open throat when singing, but hard to know when taking my breath.
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