Introduction and High Hopes.

Hey everyone! Super excited to be apart of the Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy! A little about myself; My name is Michael Jordan and I'm a 23 year old from a small town in Saskatchewan Canada. I have a band in a city 3 hours from me in which I'm the lead singer. I joined this program because I need help(obviously) with technique and horseness in my voice. I'm excited to start and can't wait for the DVDs to arrive. I'll leave a couple links to songs I've written and sung on. Thanks everyone and looking forward to progressing with you!
"Never Seen Again" original
"Heroes" original
"Never Seen Again" original

"Heroes" original

Welcome to the KTVA forums, @michaeljordan!
KTVA will give you the tools you need to get your voice in top shape and keep it there!
Glad to have you on board!