Batters Box for my Next Song I'm Moving On Rascal Flatts

kaulferskaulfers Pro Posts: 300
I'm currently learning Landslide but am almost to the point to start my next song.  Here is a Karaoke Style Before Demo:

Volume is Loud: Turn down speakers first.


A lot better start from...well never having any training.  This one won't take me 4-5 months to learn.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    Nice, @kaulfers.

    There are a number of spots where you will need to get in there and work out an issue or two, but overall, you have chosen a tune that you will be able to deal with more easily than Landslide.  It will help to keep you from getting burned-out with Landslide, and honestly, several parts of Movin On are already clearly doable for you.

    Six Months ago you would not have been able to come anywhere close to this, and it speaks well for your work ethic and determination to overcome.  You are slowly, but surely improving and gaining skills and technique.

    Good for you!



  • kaulferskaulfers Pro Posts: 300

     Yes, I can clearly hear the now the spots to improve on. That in of it's self is a huge leap.  The compounding effect is slowly starting to take place.  Just learning the Travis-picking alone on the guitar took well over a few hundred hours for me on landslide.

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