Vocal break

I have been told I have a vocal break in my mind range. I have been told I am a soprano and that when I do the vocal scale exercises my voice works well at the two extreme ends of the scale but there is a a problem in my mid range when I tend to yodal. Unfortunately, I have selected a song to sing at an amateur performace which is Constant Craving by Kd Lang and have been told that the range where the song is active is in this range when my voice breaks. I am really worried since the performance is in 3 weeks and I don't know what to do. I am currently doing vol3 exercises and have been told that my diaphramatic breating is correct but my tongue maybe obstructing my voice. What can I do in such a short time to improve things?
I have been told I have a vocal break in my mind range. I have been told I am a soprano and that when I do the vocal scale exercises my voice works well at the two extreme ends of the scale but there is a a problem in my mid range when I tend to yodal. Unfortunately, I have selected a song to sing at an amateur performace which is Constant Craving by Kd Lang and have been told that the range where the song is active is in this range when my voice breaks. I am really worried since the performance is in 3 weeks and I don't know what to do. I am currently doing vol3 exercises and have been told that my diaphramatic breating is correct but my tongue maybe obstructing my voice. What can I do in such a short time to improve things?
Short terms solution suggested is a good idea which I may have to do.
Any ideas for specific exercises for the long term would be greatly appreciated
Another possibility, again just a short-term solution, is to map out the notes of the song, relative to where your vocal break is, verse by verse, note by note. You may find that you can sing some lines entirely in chest and other phrases entirely in head voice, and thereby avoid having to shift from one register to the other within a phrase. In other words, you could try to "dodge" the passagio. That strategy might or might not work, depending on where your break is and where that break point is happening in the song.
The best solution is the long-term solution of learning to better connect your head and chest voices so that you can sing both registers within the same phrase without the break. You will learn to do that by bringing down the air pressure and volume to a very low level, and to gently and smoothly move from one register to the other without the sudden clunk. Once you perfect smoothly transitioning from one register to another, you won't have to avoid that part of your voice.
Thanks for the tip. I am so glad I have so many people out there who are willing to assist.