Hi guys! :D

Hello, I'm Krystynn :3 It's nice to meet you all. I'm 20 years old and live in the middle of California. 
I've been singing since I was in high school, never joined choir though. I was a band geek though heh. 
I've always had this dream of showing the passion I have for singing in front of crowds but I can't even sing in front of my extended family.
Well now I'm working towards getting more confident though. :) 

Also, my favorite dinosaur is a T-rex.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Hi, @KrystynnLove!

    I think we can help get you going towards your dreams of singing!  You've chosen the right course!

    Looking forward to your progress!


  • rcrosierrcrosier Pro Posts: 275
    edited March 2015

    Look at it this way... you're about 25 years ahead of me... I was in my 40's the first time I sang in front of anyone at an open mic, with a friend playing the guitar... needless to say, I was sweating bullets!!  Fast forward 10 years, and I feel almost right at home... so you've got plenty of time, and I'm sure it won't take you as long as it took me.

    Oh, and I can remember the song... it was "If I could be like that", by 3 Doors Down... seems like it was yesterday...  :)

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