Greetings to All

Hi Fellow Vocalists,
My name is Henry. I am 41 years old. I got serious about singing last year Spring 2014 as I had been singing for a Hawaiian group and I began to tackle some challenging R&B songs in Karaoke which included the likes of the music of Brian McKnight, Marvin Gaye, Bruno Mars, Al Green and John Legend. As I started receiving positive feedback from people, I started taking singing more seriously and not just limiting myself to certain genre's as I started venturing into tackling some Journey songs. I made good strides in improving but always felt limitations in terms of tone, resonance, and range (before falsetto). So began my search for a program that could get me to the next level or professional quality.
And I would like to believe I have found it, and if there is such a thing as the Holy Grail of Voice Lessons, the KTVA program has to be it. I purchased volume 1 January 17, 2015 (financial constraints prevented me from buying the bundle) and practiced everyday (even through some bad head colds, which I discovered was part of the problem with some of the early frustrations I faced in my development). My tone had improved tremendously but I felt like I lost my chest voice range. I discovered the cold bug was partly to blame as well as me passing the chest voice off to head voice way too early. It wasn't until I purchased Vol 2 on February 24, 2015, when my voice took leaps and bounds if you will. I discovered my chest voice range was now actually higher. I have practiced everyday since February 24, 2015 to date and again even through another bad head cold. I have incorporated the breath support exercises from this forum as part of my daily routine. Suffice it to say, I am excited and eager to continue making progress and I know it's going to be a long journey and I have to keep putting in the work everyday. I truly believe Ken Tamplin's program has helped me in a very short period of time and I can't wait to see the results a year from now or 3 years from now. So it is, I faithfully take this Journey with you all - pun intended.
I wish the best and happy singing to you all. See you around the Forum.
We're glad to have you here with us, @vocal_warrior321,
And it is TRUE that although you have made great strides in very little time, with your work ethic and Ken's methods, you are going to be a MONSTER vocalist a year from now. Some of the growth just takes time, and that vocal growth WILL kick in even further down the road.
Keep up your great attitude and do your workouts as prescribed. You will build stamina that will give you greater vocal resiliency to weather the storms of illness with less ill effect on your voice.
Thank you Bob. I found one of your posts about support and holding breath with open throat as well as doing breathing exercises on a hiss (Ssss) and zzzzz. As Ken said, breath is the cornerstone of the program, and I definitely feel like my breath support is the greatest area of opportunity to improve among other things. "Anything worth doing is worth doing right" or "'Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty..." - T. Roosevelt.
Thank you for your contributions on this forum.
You're welcome, Henry.
Theodore Roosevelt had it right, with one small exception.
When our voice is concerned, we will want to leave out the pain part.
: ^)
Otherwise, yes, we need a lot of perseverance.