Forum-wide collaborative cover

I'm just looking to see if anyone would be interested in making a cover song with the voices of multiple forum members on different lines of verses and choruses. If so, what songs? No one might want to do this, but I'd personally say something fairly universal and simple such as Hallelujah, Let it Be, or Knockin' on Heaven's Door so almost everyone can join in. We can use karaoke tracks but it would also be cool if threw together a quick background track since lots of members play instruments. I'd be willing to lay down guitar lines.
It might seem like an engineering nightmare to some with different people using various levels of technology to record, but it's definitely doable especially if the raw vocal lines are given to a single person to mix. This might also help some newer forum members learn from the more experienced folk. I just want to know if anyone is interested in doing this; there's no need to commit to anything right now.
edit: additionally, if we ever got far enough along to make a video showing members from a wide range of ethnicities, genders, and age, I think that would be very cool to see.
It might seem like an engineering nightmare to some with different people using various levels of technology to record, but it's definitely doable especially if the raw vocal lines are given to a single person to mix. This might also help some newer forum members learn from the more experienced folk. I just want to know if anyone is interested in doing this; there's no need to commit to anything right now.
edit: additionally, if we ever got far enough along to make a video showing members from a wide range of ethnicities, genders, and age, I think that would be very cool to see.
I think we could probably do this, as long as we realize that it could take a bit of time to get something like this to the finish line... not that getting there wouldn't be half the fun.
I actually would prefer to do it as a VIDEO, although having the audio portions recorded in a DAW would also be good. I'm thinking if a person doesn't have an audio workstation AND a webcam or video recorder, then an audio and/or a still photo could suffice, but ideally it would be a Video of the person singing it Live into a Digital Audio Workstation. I could synchronize a separate audio WAV file to a webcam or video recording.
We could probably use my dropbox as a holding tank for the recording submissions.
Each person could sing the whole song, and then I could piece the different vocalists into the song in a way that does justice to the song and the singers, both on audio and video editing.
We would first establish the KEY (the original recording key would be preferred) and the TEMPO, so that everybody learns it in the right key and speed.
Then we send the backing track to folks and they record with the backing tracks playing in their headphones, while they record a VOCALS-ONLY audio to be mixed in with the rest of the project. Only a portion of the song would be used for their part. They would do the whole song, so that their part could be chosen.
We could start with one song, and then move on to another. Please realize that each song could take a long time to come to completion. We might put up partials, just to show that SOMETHING is happening.
We could either use our real names or our usernames, depending on if anonymity is wanted, and I could put the name on as subtitles when each person's part comes on.
I would want it to be limited to KTVA students. Although this part of the forum is open to the public, I think most people viewing or listening to the recording would make the assumption that this was a mixed group of all levels of KTVA students. Not just advanced students, any student that wants to participate. It would be a good experience for any student at any level of their development.
This would be a fun thing to do, just to get to know one another a little more as real people, rather than icons, avatars, and usernames, and to grow a little bit as singers.
Lots of people have done this in other venues, but we've never done it here.
I'm up for it.
Let's pick a song.
For some reason I couldn't see much of anything on the worm link. Scrolling on the top didn't seem to have any effect. I may be too technologically challenged here.
I suppose there are a number of ways to approach this. The way I suggested is what I'm more used to doing. That's not to say someone else might be able to get a "worm" off the ground and keep it going. It might be more fun. That's just unfamiliar territory for me.
How about getting started here?