Hi there. New to KTVA.

Hello everyone. I'm Rick.
I've been singing now [non-professionally] since high school. In school, I was part of a concert choir and sang baritone/bass.
After high school, I started working on my own trying to expand my range. Up to this point, I've been self-taught, practicing through recording covers [link:Sad Songs Say So Much: https://youtu.be/swQlqzm8D5w] as well as performing when I can [mostly karaoke venues]
I feel like I have done what I'm able to and am ready to learn more from Ken and his course. As well as from all his wonderful students here in the forums, videos and webinars.

I am so thankful to have found this resource. I thank our Lord God for leading me here.

Thanks to everyone in advance for all your guidance and help.
Feel free to listen to my link and tell me what you think? It is pre-KTVA.


Rick Peshalle


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    I hear you, my friend.  You have arrived at the perfect time at the perfect place to take your voice to where you've always wanted to, but never thought you really could. 

    Prepare yourself to dig in and really do a lot of work.  It's the kind of work you look forward to.  A labor of Love.  This is going to take a while.  You'll be working Ken's methods for the rest of your singing life... but that's a good thing, because as long as you keep working out on the exercises and following Ken's instructions, you will continue to improve and to grow. 

    You're going to really like what's going to happen to your voice.

    All the Best.

  • Rick_PeshalleRick_Peshalle Pro Posts: 7
    Thank you Bob for all your inspiring words.
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