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voice range

chucknorrisskyrimchucknorrisskyrim Member Posts: 1
I am having trouble with my breathing technique every time I push from my stomach it sounds like im hollering


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031


    You don't really want to push your breath out from your stomach.  You want to use your stomach to resist the release of your breath.

    Can you post a demo of what you are doing when you say you are hollering?



  • flea248flea248 Pro Posts: 56
    Hello everybody! Im Alex 19yo.
    I've been doing KTVA for about 3 weeks.
    I guess i aint got no problems with vowel modifications cos im actually from Poland and u know polish language is one of the hardest languages to speak in the world. I Undestand breath support i feel it rly helps me to get rid of the tension in the chest neck and throat area. I guess my biggest problem is to get range. Im a barritone so my highest note should be like F#. But before KTVA i worked tottally on my own everyday doing scales and so on and for about year i can "kiss" a half tone above G - G# right?. So as i said kens program rly helped me with tension and stamina. I work everyday starting on liproll and tongue and then i do some sit ups and the first exersice Ken shows on volume 1 video and then i go back to the audio. After i repreat working out support and finishing i do OO vowel cos Its not included on the audio. By doing a scale for ex Aa vowel i try to strech chest and far as i can with the least tension and then when i feel i can go any higher i keep trying to built a bridge. Also its not about pitch cos im a Guitar player for more than 10 years and ive been singing jazz stuff like sinatra but Its tottally not Enough for me so that is why i bought KTVA cos im fed up with practising singing on my own. I love the way ken is just as a person. My question is : should i be able to sing A4 or even higher After a mouth or should i just start doing volume 2 ?

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    We're all different. It could take you longer to reach A4 in chest. It depends on your own voice and your starting range, and how often you practice and what you practice on.

    A4 is a tough note to sing, and Bb and B are even harder, but that's because they are way up there, especially for a baritone, in chest voice. That said, with work, you can get there, but probably not in just one month. It took me a long time to get past G4. But I did. That whole stretch from above F#4 to C5 can be a bear. You just keep working and go one note at a time.

    I would recommend that you stay with Volume One a little while longer, because even six weeks is moving along pretty fast. Some stay on Volume One for much longer.

    Remember, if you do go forward, and you find yourself in a little too deep, you can always go back to Volume One and review and refresh. I've repeated Volume One more than once.

    There are some exercises that go into the Ooh and the OH vowels (the vowels, not the mods of the AH vowel) in the PRO Videos, that are available in the PRO section of the forums. If you're working on those vowels anyway, you could check out those videos, but that's really intended for later on. There are specific ways to modify your OH and Ooh vowels.

    All the Best!


  • iyosayiiyosayi Pro Posts: 6
    I agree consistency, but where are you at now?
  • iyosayiiyosayi Pro Posts: 6
    I so desire that c5 all in chest, I can reach a4 what's your advice
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    Please submit a demo of you doing a LAH scale in the Demo section of the forums and let's hear what you're doing now.


  • flea248flea248 Pro Posts: 56
    Thanks for all what has been written here. Im doing the program for 7 weeks but is seems my voice needs more time to grow above a4. I still do the program everyday streching chest and doing the bridge and if Its needed to stay on the volume one for even 3 mouths, i dont mind. I do a lot tongue and lip roll cos these exercises im able to do walking down the street whenever i can.
    The proof is in the singing!
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    A4 is no easy note for a guy. Many struggle for some time to sing a chest voice A4. Take a bow.

    Take your time and do your workouts. Seven weeks is very early into the program. Your voice will continue to grow for a long time.

    Good Singing to You!


  • kaulferskaulfers Pro Posts: 300
    flea248 said:

    Thanks for all what has been written here. Im doing the program for 7 weeks but is seems my voice needs more time to grow above a4. I still do the program everyday streching chest and doing the bridge and if Its needed to stay on the volume one for even 3 mouths, i dont mind. I do a lot tongue and lip roll cos these exercises im able to do walking down the street whenever i can.

    The proof is in the singing!

    I took Ken's advice, the longer you stick to Vol-1 the better. For myself it was 1 year. I just started doing Vol-2 recently.

    Depending where I'm at for the day I can reach A4 and C5 I've belted A5 but for now I don't go past F5 for the sake of not over doing it. A year ago, I had no idea what I just wrote. Keep at it. Rest for a week after 4 weeks of training. Come back and you'll really feel the growth.
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