Hello !!! guitarist who sings back ups

marcoaglianomarcoagliano Volume 1 Posts: 2
edited April 2015 in INTRODUCE YOURSELF

This is my first attempt
at getting actual lessons/help with my vocals.  I'm a guitar player who sings
primarily backups. I had an opportunity for a gig that required me to sing 10
songs a night.....dummy me picks the hardest stuff to sing instead of being
smart... I didn't get the gig,lol  well at least not yet.   but
this isn't about one gig lost or gotten.  This about my frustration with
myself and my ability to sing well

Luckily my guitar
playing, attitude and ability to harmonize got me a second shot AND I picked
songs that fit my voice better to sing for my audition.  But that isn’t going to make me better, Kens program is. 


I’m 46 and I'm here to learn.  I’ve been
recording myself singing to karaoke.  It’s pretty enlightening!! Phew!!!
    Here is a link of me doing a verse and chorus of kid rocks all
summer long it’s pretty unremarkable

at this point and I can’t stand the sound of my voice.  I’m open for constructive criticism!!! Don’t hold



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Hi, @marcoagliano,

    Your voice doesn't sound bad.  It's just going to get a lot better as you learn some solid techniques to rely upon, and as your voice grows to new, greater potential.

    Dig in to those KTVA exercises and post some clips of you doing the basic Lah scale when you get a chance.  Pay attention to the way Ken explains how to do the basic sounds and tones. 

    Welcome to the forums.

    You will do well with this course!


  • marcoaglianomarcoagliano Volume 1 Posts: 2
    Thank you for the words of encouragement!  I will be doing that tonight for sure. I'm working the program really hard, I'm really excited, I know its all up to me and I'm totally down for the challenge thats ahead    
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