Hi! Please critique my singing and my song aswell if you want

Hello! I'm so thankful so be apart of KTVA, it has helped my much.

Here is the song:

What should i work on?


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,386

    I like the song and the lyrics.

    I think you could use a little more support and be a little more definite on your notes.  Some of them slide up and down to get to the note.  That may be intentional, but it sounds like you might be searching for the note on a few of them.

    The first note "when" is a little tentative.  We're all listening to see what's going to happen. I have a rule: Always make sure the first note, and the first line of a song is right on the money.  Nail that note.

    I'd to hear you nail the note on "All" at 0:15 is a little too slidey. That's an important spot in the song and you sound a little tentative on the note.

    More support at 0:21 "All";    Keep your support all the way to the end of the long note on Done at 0:38.

    The second part of the song is more vocally consistent.

    Also at You notice me  at 0:53, and be a little more stable on "as I"... those are a little imprecise.  If you just tighten up the intonation on those parts I think you've got a good performance on a good song.

    Like I said, I like it.

    Good Job!


  • JonasFinnLarssonJonasFinnLarsson Pro Posts: 200
    Thanks Bob. very happy you answered

    This is gold information thanks again.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,386
  • JonasFinnLarssonJonasFinnLarsson Pro Posts: 200
    Here is another take tell me what you think. :)

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,386

    That is 100% better.  I would still get more stabilized on support and pitch at 0:23 on "done" for that whole sustained run on "done".

    Good Job on all the rest!

  • JonasFinnLarssonJonasFinnLarsson Pro Posts: 200
    Thanks again bob!
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