finally giving this a shot

Hello everyone,
First time really doing any kind of actual training with vocals. Decided to give KTVA a shot after much thought.
My question is right now I just purchased the propack. In the first couple of videos regarding the "building a head voice", KT really expresses the need to build your chest voice out. I thought that chest voice videos and instruction would be included in the Propack sale. Which vids or exercises should I give a looksy to make sure I have that down first before trying any of the head voice stuff. I really want to do this correctly.
A little about me. Been playing bass guitar on and off for a few years(12 years
). Finally wrote a song for guitar, bass and vocals as a tribute to a good friend that passed away last year. I realized in this whole writing and soon to be recording process that I know nothing of vocals. So here I am

thanks all