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Is he using techniques similar to what Ken teaches?

dk_dk_ Member Posts: 32
If so how long do you think it will take to achieve this level?


4:20 wow I need to be able to do that


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    Seriously, these are singers who have made music their life.  This is advanced-level singing.

    It takes solid training and technique for considerable time to get to this level.

    Most likely it will take everything you've got to get anywhere close to these performances.  You would have to be willing to spend the time it takes to train your voice to that level.  Obviously, that will be different for different individuals.

    It's as if you are asking "Will this make me one of the top five singers on the Earth, and if so, when?"

    Where are you now?  Do you have great pitch already?  Have you been singing for years?  I would expect that Kim Dong Myung has. What is your range now?  How long have you been working the KTVA program?  How many hours a day are you working out?  Could you submit a demo so we can see where you are right now?

    It comes down to how badly do you want it, and will you do the work that it takes to get YOU there?

    If you train correctly, you can do just about anything you have the guts and determination to accomplish.  You will get to higher levels of professional singing from years of training and performing. 

    These videos demonstrate great technique.  The audience is spellbound.  Many are emotionally moved by the sound of the singer's voice. 

    Great Singing to You!


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