Greetings from Finland (wanting to get better at singing)

AnathemeAnatheme Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2

I just bought the pro pack and the files are downloading as I'm typing this.
I'm a 35 guy and I've been singing and playing guitar since I was 18, but I was foolish enough not to take any vocal lessons until around 5 years back, which I regret deeply. Up to date, I've had multiple coaches and I've tried many vocal programs. I've had a good vocal coach for a year now. My new coach said to forget everything I've learned previously, so I've been building a new base for my voice for a year. I've definitely made some progress, but it's so incredibly slow.

After seeing Ken's videos on Youtube, I was amazed. I thought I should give KTVA a try. I'm desperate to get better at singing, I work pretty hard, but I just don't get the results in full what I'm after. Maybe with KTVA methods and weekly vocal lessons with my coach I could get results faster than before...? I realize it takes time, but I get the feeling I could do a lot better.
I have gotten a hang of a technique that works for me, but I'm not there yet, and this makes me lack in confidence. As I lack in confidence, I'm too afraid to go to sing live, which means I don't get a good routine and experience...

My biggest weakness is that I slip into falsetto when I try to sing high notes. Falsetto is cool and all, but it really aggravates me that I can't do it full voice in songs. I can sing high notes full voice in practises.
My goal is now to get good enough, so I wouldn't be afraid to sing live, because I want to start doing acoustic gigs.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited May 2015

    Hello, @Anatheme,

    One of the first things Ken tells you in the course is that you need to leave other vocal methods at the door, and give him your full attention.

    That means you may have a conflict now, with your vocal coach you've been studying with for the past year.

    You can't expect KTVA to work for you like it can, if you compromise what Ken is instructing you to do with the opinions and methods of your local vocal coach.  KTVA is not intended to be a mix of other methods with KTVA.  KTVA is going to re-build your voice from the ground up.  Timbral head voice and mixed voice come after you have strengthened and extended your chest voice range.

    KTVA will build your chest voice beyond its present limitations.  It's not easy, and it's not fast.  It's hard work and takes a while.  That is the ticket to the voice you want.

    You will need to give KTVA your full attention, and you will need to train at least five days a week, a minimum of one hour per day to get results in a reasonable amount of time.  You need to commit to KTVA.

    This is where your confidence will come from and this is where your strong, extended chest voice will be developed.

    You will make great strides if you do this as directed, which includes leaving other vocal methods at the door.  Your progress will exceed what you are able to do from weekly lessons with a local teacher.  Ken is one of the world's foremost vocal instructors.  His methods produce world-class singers.  You must feel that you need something more, or after a year of study, you would not be looking to find something more substantial to build your voice.

    Are you ready to fully utilize the KTVA ProPack?  Don't try to mix it with other random ideas and methods.

    You can post links here in the demos area of you singing the basic KTVA scales, and we will give you feedback on what you're doing right and what you need to improve.  Step-by-step we will work to get you moving along toward your goals.

    If you're willing to do the work, you will get there.

    All the Best!


  • AnathemeAnatheme Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2
    edited May 2015
    Thanks a lot for your reply. It cleared some things for me.

    "You must feel that you need something more, or after a year of study, you would not be looking to find something more substantial to build your voice."

    I have been practising XYZ and ABC- methods with my current coach, and I have made my voice sound healthy with XYZ, but it took me months to get a grasp of the concepts. I noticed when I checked some of the first KTVA videos briefly, that there seems to be similarities with what I've already started to learn. But you are right about trying to mix everything together, it could just confuse and make the learning more difficult at this point. I will concentrate fully on KTVA from now on and record my progress every day.

    "You will need to give KTVA your full attention, and you will need to train at least five days a week, a minimum of one hour per day to get results in a reasonable amount of time.  You need to commit to KTVA."

    I usually train 5-6 days a week 2 hours per day. One hour for the exercises and one hour for the songs. So, it seems I'm on the right path with my practise routines, now I just need to utilize KTVA.

    How do I get access to the full forums btw? Not sure if I already have it lol
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035


    Your practice schedule sounds like a good one for progressing with your KTVA studies.

    If you have paid in full for your PRO purchase, you should send an email to ktvaforums@gmail.com and request a forums upgrade.  Copy and paste into that email a copy of your KTVA purchase receipt.

    Mention your username on the forums, so that your account can be found here and upgraded.  The full access is not granted until the purchase has been paid in full and the receipt validated.

    Those who are on a payment plan have to wait until payment has been completed.

    All the Best!


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