Excited About The Course!

My name is John and I'm from Kansas. I'm just trying to get better at singing karaoke.
I sang for the first time in forever at the age of 39 when I visited the Philippines. I started violin lessons in 4th grade to get out of singing class and hadn't sung since then (other than in the car).
Elton John is my all-time favorite vocalist, though I love a huge range of music (especially pop, rock, and alternative, but also soul and some country).
I've gained quite a bit of upper range and some lower range since then, mostly through trial and error and/or brute force. (I know, not a good way...) My pitch recognition has improved quite a lot as well. I've taken one other online course that's helped me to understand my voice a bit better.
I'm still a novice or "lower intermediate" singer and hope (with effort) this course will take me into the "upper intermediate" range or beyond.
I requested the forum upgrade last night.
My initial experience with the course was a bit frustrating, which I did anticipate. Anything with my voice is often frustrating. I know, most people experience similar issues and I shouldn't get frustrated. (Easier said than done!)
However, I got to video 8 (close back throat) and got sidetracked. (Some student I am!) I spent the next three hours singing many songs with notes I'd been previously unable to hit.
I went through CCR, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Air Supply, Boston and others with a decent degree of success. Not that I'd perform most of them in front of a crowd yet, but it was a huge improvement. (Journey songs were still mostly elusive though)
I joined the other online course I mentioned about two years ago and started and stopped it often, with moderate success, but the open throat I achieved last night was my biggest single advancement and happened in two hours rather than two months. Once before (a few months ago), I blindly stumbled upon the open throat technique, but had been unable to duplicate it since then. I knew what I was aiming for, but didn't know how to go about getting there.
I'll get back on track with volume 1 later today and I'm looking forward to repeating the videos over and over again to improve the technique.