Not sure about my voice

Hi! I'm Anthony, I'm new!! This is a clip from an audition I did in 2009: https://vid.me/n8jg This is a recording I did last year: http://picosong.com/9CTE/ I've never had any training or really performed in front of anyone, other than karaoke and that audition from six years ago. I have massive stage fright, so it makes things really difficult for me. I'm not even really sure what my voice type is, or what genre would suit me. I've been told I'd be good for Broadway or opera. I'd like to get some feedback and see what I can do, musically. Thanks!! - Anthony


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    edited July 2015
    Well, you can hold notes, and you have developed a vibrato. You sound pretty good.

    Musically, you can do about whatever you set your mind to.  What kind of music do you WANT to  do?  

    Stage fright is just something you have to bite the bullet and get up on stage and sing.  As you survive one time and then another, you begin to realize that being onstage is fine, and that you can exist in that environment.  

    Train your voice and let it take you as far as you can get with it.  

    All the Best!

  • seekerseeker Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 83
    You sound x99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 better than I do.
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