Excited to join the family! Greetings from Taiwan!

Hi everyone! After hearing much about Ken I've finally decided to give this a shot and join the family!
My name is Andy and I am from Taiwan, currently living in Sydney, Australia.
I've been singing casually for around four years, but never had any training.
I mostly sing pop, pop rock, ballad kind of stuff.
I do sing in public and for performance once in a while (playing guitar in a casual band as well), but mostly I sing just for fun.
I have a YouTube channel which I occasionally upload covers to get suggestions on my singing, too.
Because of the lack of proper training, I would say my foundation is pretty bad.
Every once in a while I might be using good techniques for particular songs, but then fail to maintain the same consistency for other songs.
My song choice is often limited by my range as well (chest G2-A4 and no flexibility at all on the high end).
Although singing isn't part of my career at all, I do enjoy singing a lot during my leisure time.
I'm really excited to learn, and more importantly, lay down some foundation for myself, from the KTVA program, so that I can continue to experience more joy and fun from singing.
Currently I've run through all the volume 1 lecture movies, and starting to work my way through the workouts.
I guess I'm going to have loads of questions to ask about very soon.
Anyways, nice meeting you all!!
This seems like an awesome and friendly community 
