how to find and maintain a unique style

Hi.. I haven't been active on the forums, but I have been doing the exercises for a while. My singing voice in itself is not bad now, I feel I can maintain a stable tone, my range has expanded a bit, and overall I sound pretty decent. However, I have been told that my voice is simply not "unique" or that it is simply too "bland". I was wondering, is there a way to improve upon this quality, and what would it take. My preferred music styles are alternative rock and some modern pop, with obvious favourites like David Coverdale and Eddie Vedder, but I am not looking to emulate, rather to find my own voice. Any help would be apreciated
No matter who you ask, they had their favorites, heroes and sheroes, and they borrowed a little from those influences, either deliberately or through osmosis. And their heroes had their own heroes.
No matter how much you try to copy someone else, your own voice will still be in there. Sometimes it's a matter of how much you try to imitate and how much you just allow your own voice and style to come through.
Let's hear where you are now. Give us a Lah scale and then an easy, simple song. Let's see what your baseline is at the present, and go from there.
What I would say is that when you apply these techniques to the songs you love you'll find that you won't really sound like the artist as much as you probably did before.
You'll start to more sound like yourself... And then through time and patience you will grow into that more and more too.
You'll discover your own voice.
Recording yourself is a good thing.
Listen back to it too... Be critical of yourself.. Listen for your downfalls.
We are usualy our own worst critic when we listen to ourselves anyways.
Deep down youll know what you can improve on.
Hope this helps.
All the best
If that doesn't happen for you, wherein your true vocal style is more familiar to your audience rather than "unique", thats fine! That can mean more commercial appeal for you! The style of your music and quality of your songwriting can help distinguish you from your musical peers.