Hello from England!

PeteMurphyPeteMurphy Enrolled Posts: 95
edited April 2012 in INTRODUCE YOURSELF
Hi there! I'm Pete from Birmingham, England. I'm a guitar player by trade, but I also sing backing vocals and arrange all the vocal harmonies for my originals band (and I also play in a function/wedding band, but that's just my job, not my passion).

I originally purchased the course around 3 years ago and was just starting to get into it, but I had some personal stuff happen which meant I stopped. Anyway, I'm back on track now and have been working out my voice most days for the last couple of months. I'm on stage two at the moment (and have just this morning started to incorporate the bridge building slider exercises into my routine).

I've tried a few courses over the years, and I've found KTVA to be the best for me. I still don't have anywhere near the kind of voice I want to have, and although I've been able to incorporate some of the stuff when I sing bv's with my band (breathing, support), I'm still struggling to incorporate a lot of things into my regular singing (vowel mods, head voice, being happy with the tone of my voice, etc..) but I'm sure that will all come with time.

Anyway, I'm sure I'll have lots of questions, and I hope to communicate with some of you guys.



  • PeteMurphyPeteMurphy Enrolled Posts: 95
    Oh, and does anyone have an idea how they managed to get the picture of my eye for my profile pic? I didn't submit any photos so it was really strange when I logged in for the first time and saw it ;-)
  • SanninoSannino Pro Posts: 66
    Welcome, heatwave! I'm a guitar player as well, hope you enjoy the ride! As for the pic, I have no idea. It surely didn't happen to me (I had to upload a pic) but you can change it anytime for certain.

    Welcome again!

    Sannino, from Brazil
  • KokonuhtKokonuht Member, Enrolled Posts: 658
    Welcome heatwave! I'm sure your desires will come with commitment and practice ;) Perfect practice to be exact!

    I too still have lots stuff to implement into my singing and am still trying to get used to them ;D! 

    Welcome to KTVA or rather, welcome back! XD! Do ask any questions if you do have them and I have no idea why your eye showed up but you can just change it at your profile XD!

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Welcome, Pete!

    Hope to hear a lot from you.  Stay with it this time and you won't be sorry. Lots of good folks coming on board here everyday.  We're all sharing what we've learned and that helps us all to cement these practices into our brains.  Next thing you know, it will start appearing in your voice!

    Holler when you need help! Someone will respond!


    Oregon, USA

  • PeteMurphyPeteMurphy Enrolled Posts: 95
    Thank you for the warm welcome, guys! I'm definitely planning on sticking with it this time. I'm in a much better place compared to where I was a few years ago, much happier, so there's no reason why I can't keep it up.

    I managed to hit a high C in full voice this morning, which has made me feel even more enthusiastic.

    It's great to have a community like this, and I hope to have fun here.

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