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Anyone from Nashville, TN on here?

rcrosierrcrosier Pro Posts: 275
Hey folks! I'm headed to Nashville with my wife for a few days... she's got a fitness conference, and I don't... so I'm going to attempt to find some places to sing, if possible. Karaoke, open mic, etc. Not sure if it's possible to do anything but Karaoke, as I hear it's hard to get a spot, and since I don't play guitar, only sing and play drums, that's doubly difficult! But I'd sure like to sing and/or play drums a bit while there. If not, I'll just site-see a lot!

We're on 5th Ave South, so I'm hoping I'll be able to walk or get a cab to some places.

Anyone got any info, or live there, and know how they do it there?

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