Greetings from South Africa

bindogbindog Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 25
Hey all

I recently became a paid member of KTVA, and thought I'd drop a line in here...

Im 32, born and bred Saffer, and I live in Johannesburg, SA.

I've always wanted to sing and perform, I taught myself some piano when I was in school, and taught myself guitar over the past 2/3 years...

I started singing at about the same time as the guitar bug bit, karaoke, nothing special, but I always got good responses from the crowd, which was cool.

More recently, I started attending Jam Night evenings at a local pub, where you get to perform with the house band... Things were going really well, but I started suffering vocally as I performed and practiced more, hoarse and sore the days after the event.

About a month ago, my voice was already strained, and I got the flu. I then proceeded to attend OppiKoppi (google it, its amazing, and i go every year), which is dusty and shouty and smoky as you can imagine... I smoke as well, and generally you smoke a LOT when there...

Anyways I came back totally voiceless, couldn't speak at all. I rested my voice for about a week but things really haven't come right again. Even without singing i feel swollen when I swallow , its not lekker at all (lekker=nice)...

I had stared down KTVA previously, and decided that I had already been singing incorrectly before the festival, so as part of my rehabilitation, I would join the club here, and sing in a healthy manner going forward...

I will be starting formally with Volume 1 as soon as possible, and will post vids for feedback as I make progress...

And thats all... nice to be here, I'm excited to learn properly, and I appreciate the product and the forum being available to the singers out there



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
    Nice to hear from you, @bindog.

    Time to get that singing voice working correctly, so you will have it to use for the rest of your life!

    Glad to meet you.


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