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Spanish version??

djfndjfn Pro Posts: 11
I recently purchased the PRO pack, and I've seen "english" in the name of the files folder... so my question is, there's a Spanish version of the files (subtitled, I suppose) I'm doing quite good with the english version, and I'm pretty sure I'm understanding everything, but english is not my language, and you know... the Devil is in the detail, and I don't want to miss anything so, is there any spanish version of the files? and if there is, how can I get it?



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    You should inquire at ktvainfo@gmail.com and ask about it.

    The KTVA Volumes are available in several languages.

  • djfndjfn Pro Posts: 11
    Thank's Bob.

    You're an amazing help in here, man! :)
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    You're welcome.
  • @djfn This is a very,very nice question. I´m a spanish user!,Cheers!,D.
  • djfndjfn Pro Posts: 11
    I've recieved the links for the spanish version. Thanks Bob, and of course, thanks to Lynette, who has been really kind. :smile: )
  • djfn said:

    I've recieved the links for the spanish version. Thanks Bob, and of course, thanks to Lynette, who has been really kind. :smile: )

    @djfn Do you have propacks subtitled in spanish? really? I bought the course in October 2013 but never properly understood because there propack rapid Ken English.Anyway, I´m a happy user of third stage (check my demos!)

    Please confirm this message, thanks in advance

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    It's the Volumes only that are translated to languages other than English.
  • highmtn said:

    It's the Volumes only that are translated to languages other than English.

    Bob,you mean that propack are subtitled in spanish? That's what you mean? thanks in advance!
  • djfndjfn Pro Posts: 11
    Hi! I'm sorry about answer so late, but I didn't saw your message untill today.
    The spanish Pro-pack is an "audio translated" pack, not subtitled. There's a girl who speaks over Ken voice when he is explaining something, and she stops when Ken does some kind of demo. I think the translations is pretty good, althogh is southamerican spanish and I'm from Spain (there're some differences, but it's perfectly understandable)
    It's too bad that not all the videos from the english pro-pack are included in the spanish version, and if you can deal with english, I recomend everybody to get the english pack, or both of them, like I do (lucky me! :) )
  • djfndjfn Pro Posts: 11
    And as Bob said, only the Volumes are translated, not the "extra material" from the pro pack.
  • @djfn Hola!,entendí que hay una voz de fondo cuando Ken habla, yo tengo esa versión con la voz en español por arriba de la voz en inglés, pero no he entendido correctamente lo siguiente ¿ quieres decir que hay una parte de los propack que están con la voz en español por arriba? Todos mis propack están en inglés absolutamente,Por eso te pregunto Amigo,Quedo atento a tus comentarios,muchas gracias de antemano,Saludos!
  • djfndjfn Pro Posts: 11
    No. Únicamente los volúmenes están traducidos. Los extras del PRO-pack no. E incluso dentro de los volúmenes, en la versión ingresa hay más vídeos que en la versión española. Por eso te recomiendo que te hagas con la versión inglesa. Si tienes alguna duda concreta de algo que no seas capaz de traducir y creas que es importante, me puedes decir en qué archivo y en que rango de minutos y segundos está, y te echo una mano (sin abusar, que no me dedico a esto ni me pagan por ello ;-) )

    And now in (bad) english:

    No. Only the regular volumes are translated.The PRO-pack extras aren't. Even into the volumes, you can find more videos in the english version than in the spanish version. That's why I recomend to you to get the english version. If you have some issue with some part you can't translate you think could be important, you can tell me where file is it in and when (minute and seconds) and maybe I can help you with it (Don't abuse man... This is not my bussiness and I don't get paid for it ;-) )
  • djfn said:

    No. Únicamente los volúmenes están traducidos. Los extras del PRO-pack no. E incluso dentro de los volúmenes, en la versión ingresa hay más vídeos que en la versión española. Por eso te recomiendo que te hagas con la versión inglesa. Si tienes alguna duda concreta de algo que no seas capaz de traducir y creas que es importante, me puedes decir en qué archivo y en que rango de minutos y segundos está, y te echo una mano (sin abusar, que no me dedico a esto ni me pagan por ello ;-) )

    And now in english:

    No. Only the regular volumes are translated.The PRO-pack extras aren't. Even into the volumes, you can find more videos in the english version than in the spanish version. That's why I recomend to you to get the english version. If you have some issue with some part you can't translate you think could be important, you can tell me where file is it in and when (minute and seconds) and maybe I can help you with it (Don't abuse man... This is not my bussiness and I don't get paid for it ;-) )

    @djfn , Estupendo Amigo, te enviaré un correo. En cualquier caso, lo relevante del entrenamiento diario está en los archivos de audio.( Los videos contienen la base teorica del sistema).

    @djfn Awesome man, I will send an inbox. Anyway,the bottom line of the daily workout is in the audio files(videos contain the theoretical basis of the system).
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