Hello from a French student living in the UK

Hi there,

I'm Flora, a 26 year old French student living in Bath, UK.
I joined the forum and started watching the video lessons almost two years ago, but I wasn't spending enough time on the course and felt way too shy to participate here.

I have been singing under the shower for a long time but hadn't thought about something more serious until two years ago, when I started joining bands, doing open mics and participating in music societies.

My favorite singer is Fiona Apple, but I also listen a lot to Beck, Garbage, Zu, Martina Topley-Bird, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Ladyhawke, Clammbon, Janelle Monáe...

I'm learning a lot with the forums and the video lessons, I hope I'll overcome my shyness to post vocal demos at some point and to progress enough to interact with you guys!


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Thank you for letting us know you are there, Flora.

    There is no need to be shy, although if the truth be known, I am a very shy person... until you put me on a stage or ask me questions about the voice.

    : ^)

    So just know that you are among friends here, and we genuinely want to help you grow, not put you down for any reason. None of us would be here, either, except we felt that our singing needed help. So we watched Ken on YouTube, and said "THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO BE ABLE TO DO!"

    So here we are, and we're all in the same boat, although some of us have gotten better at rowing by practicing longer, and paying attention to Ken.

    So row, row, row your boat, and grow, grow, grow your voice. If you are uncertain about how you are coming along, by all means post a demo. Post it in the Demos area for newbies if you may be nervous. Everybody understands the rules that it's not a place for negativism or put-downs. It's like an open mic on the internet. We will tell you what you might want to change, but not in a humiliating way, at all. More like "it would be better if you _______. Or your pitch was flat at _____. But that's not done to say you sound bad. That's done to inform you if you don't know it, so you can listen and correct any issues. Many think they are terrible, and they sound fine. It can be a stage fright thing. So it's safe there. No bullies allowed. Period.

    And as you can see there are thousands of questions and answers here, so you might as well ask yours.

    Welcome. We hope to see more posts from you. You've taken the first step. Now keep going.

    : ^)

  • monkshoodmonkshood Pro Posts: 15
    Thank you for your kind words Bob!

    Yes, Ken is such an inspiration, I learned a lot already and always feel like I could progress a lot thanks to him!

    Thanks for your advice, I will definitely try the Demos area for newbies, one hard part will be to pick a song and the hardest will be to post it here! But I've seen this section of the forum already and it really motivates me to try, your comments are really encouraging and helpful.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    You know, although most of us want to post a song and have someone tell us what to fix, we can tell a lot about what you may need to adjust just by you posting a standard LAH scale. One good thing about that is that we are focusing on technique and boiling it down to the basics. That way, it's not like your very soul is on the line like it can be in a song you've always wanted to sing your heart out on. You can test the waters very safely with a LAH scale, get feedback, make corrections, and then later put your heart on the line!

    : ^)

  • monkshoodmonkshood Pro Posts: 15
    Thanks for the suggestion, I just did that!
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
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