Recommendation for you Ken

Hi Ken,
I get the impression from some of the Youtube videos that you've posted that you're a bit of a soul music fan.
I think this guy is from your part of the world. I was blown away when I first saw this video. He really starts wailin' around the 4:00 minute mark (wayyyy up in head voice. Although I don't know if his style is healthy or not ;-)
Best wishes,
I get the impression from some of the Youtube videos that you've posted that you're a bit of a soul music fan.
I think this guy is from your part of the world. I was blown away when I first saw this video. He really starts wailin' around the 4:00 minute mark (wayyyy up in head voice. Although I don't know if his style is healthy or not ;-)
Best wishes,

Nice link, Pete
Thanks for sharing!
Killer!!!! He sounds like a cross betwee Terrence Tren d' Arby and Micky Thomas!!!
Thanks for sharing, I am going to post this on the main board with your attribution! :-)
This is one of the tunes Ken recommended to listen to/sing along to when he did the September 1, 2012 Head Voice 2 Webinar. I have a copy of this added on to my CD I made of Building Head Voice. That bridge section is a real stretch!! If you're looking to stretch your head register, just put this one on repeat play and make sure nobody's listening in!
You'll find the links to these songs in the Head Voice section of this Forum, in the "Head Voice Webinar Released" thread.