Hello from Austin, TX

Hey guys,
My, name is Jordan, and I was born and raised here in Austin, TX. I decided to try singing because as I grew older, my voice had naturally developed to sounding like my father's voice, who is a guitar player, singer, so I thought I'd give it a shot, turns out I love singing. I started trying to learn about 7 months ago, and have done quite well I might say, for someone with no direction on the subject. Of course, I knew there was a whole lot more to it, than what experience I had gained, so I looked into Ken Tamplin's Vocal Academy.
I feel myself becoming a better singer everyday with KTVA, and I just started! Looking forward to being part of the community, and the access to all the help.
My, name is Jordan, and I was born and raised here in Austin, TX. I decided to try singing because as I grew older, my voice had naturally developed to sounding like my father's voice, who is a guitar player, singer, so I thought I'd give it a shot, turns out I love singing. I started trying to learn about 7 months ago, and have done quite well I might say, for someone with no direction on the subject. Of course, I knew there was a whole lot more to it, than what experience I had gained, so I looked into Ken Tamplin's Vocal Academy.
I feel myself becoming a better singer everyday with KTVA, and I just started! Looking forward to being part of the community, and the access to all the help.
Nice to hear from both of you. Ken's singing method is da bomb and you will be really glad you chose KTVA. It works very effectively, and your voices will grow as you apply yourselves and practice the techniqes.
It's great to have you both on board, and we look forward to helping you get a handle on all that you have to learn!
All the Best!