What technique does this guy use? Sounds like many to me.

Best Answers
highmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
He's belting in chest, using distortion here and there, singing clean at other times, going into head voice, using vibrato when he wants to.
He has a super vocal range, good breath control and support. I hear little kid voice at times. He thins down his voice to go up in his highs. Uses lots of runs and trills here and there.
He's quite good on vocals and on bass. John Cowan.
Bob -
streeter Pro Posts: 678
Some guys are just like that. They just do the correct things because of whatever influences they have gravitated towards. Ever seen clips of Michael Jackson when he was 10 on the Ed Sullivan show? Massive open throat vowels, support, pitch perfect, ridiculous runs, range, power, tone... You name it, he had it.
There's guys the actively sorted to learn about technique like Myles Kennedy and then there's guys who just found out what worked and what didn't from years of experience like Todd Kearns both of whom sing in Slashes band.
Sometimes, no matter how musical we are... We still need someone to show us mechanically what is going on in order to achieve results.
You can be taught this stuff. We don't all have equal capabilities, but great technique can bring us all much closer to the way some others have sung since they opened their mouths. We can greatly shorten the gap between gifted naturals and great singers who learned to sing better after the fact.